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Unique Page Titles in ARTIO SEF
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TOPIC: Unique Page Titles in ARTIO SEF

Unique Page Titles in ARTIO SEF 17 years, 11 months ago #1602

I am using ARTIO JoomSEF with my Joomla Site. The version of Joomla I am using is 1.0.12. What I would like to be able to do is put unique page titles on every page which appears on the site. I have edited a few of the Custom Redrects so that they have a unique title but all I get when I view them is the site name text in the top bar. I have tried leaving the site name field blank in the global configuration but all I get is a blank title. I also checked the page source but the title field is the same as the site name.

Any suggestions??

Re:Unique Page Titles in ARTIO SEF 17 years, 11 months ago #1612

An update on this problem. I have checked the meta tags and the description for a few of the custom redirects - they seem to be working. It is just the page title that I need to get working. On another forum I was told to check in the template if there was a statement

<?php mosShowHead(); ?>

I have checked this and it is in the template. So I am at a loss as to what to try next!!

Re:Unique Page Titles in ARTIO SEF 17 years, 10 months ago #2065

This issue is still unresolved!!

I have been in contact with ARTIO and they tell me that the mambot seems to be working as the meta tags and description are being appended to the page files, which I would agree with if you look at the code from the page

<meta name="keywords" content="GPS mapping software, Garmin GPS accessories, Magellan eXplorist, GPS Mapping Products, Memory Map, Fugawi, Anquet" />
<meta name="lang" content="english" />
<meta name="robots" content="index,follow" />
<meta name="googlebot" content="index, follow" />
<meta name="robots" content="index, follow" />
<meta name="description" content=",Nav-e-gate4less - The independant navigation store on the web. We sell GPS mapping products, including Anquet, Memory Map and Fugawi, Magellan eXplorist handheld GPS and GPS accessories" />
<base href="" />

What they told me was that some component or a mambot might be conflicting with the JoomSEF mambot. I have tried unpublishing all the mambots with exception to the JoomSEF one and also uninstalled the GSG component and the sam site map component

The other components I have installed are

404 redirect for ARTIO JoomSEF
BSQ Stats
Security Images

I do have the virtuemart component for JoomSEF installed!!

Does any one know of any compatibility issues between ARTIO joomSEF and any of the components I have listed above??

I would very much like to use this component as it does strip out the "itemid" part of the SEF URL. ANY help on this would very much be appreciated!!!!

Re:Unique Page Titles in ARTIO SEF 17 years, 9 months ago #2105

  • jirka
Hello Ross,

we have checked your site and solved the problem. You had "dynamic page titles" configured to "no" in the SEO section of your global site settings.

After switching this to yes and clearing the cache (as your caching was on), it works perfectly.

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team
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