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the page your are trying to access does not exist
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Support forum for users using free edition of JoomSEF 3 (Joomla 1.5 compatible). These forums are mainly for mutual help between users.

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TOPIC: the page your are trying to access does not exist

the page your are trying to access does not exist 17 years, 10 months ago #2002


Just installed JoomSEF 1.5.0. Would be a great piece of software I think. Unfortunately I have some problems.
I have a webshop with Joomla 1.0.12 + Virtumart 1.0.10 + Joomfish 1.7 My homepage is working with SEF-urls, virtuemart as well, but links in my menu (main and the same in top) do not work. I get the error "the page your are trying to access does not exist" "Please select a page from the main menu".
Making an custom SEF-urlafter detecting the url without SEF-urls's doesn't work also. Saw double SEF-urls like terms-02 and terms-03, tried Reappend source (Itemid) Yes, but doesn't.

AL the pages that don't work are made by menumanager, link - content item

Any idea?

Raynet<br><br>Post edited by: raynet, at: 2007/04/29 20:56

Re:the page your are trying to access does not exist 17 years, 10 months ago #2004

Found something. I had the content items under section &quot;Content&quot; and category &quot;Content&quot;. Found a remark about OpenSEF, not to do this because sefIsJoomlaSEF will always return true. Changed the content to another section and category. Now it works.
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