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R2Gallery Sef ext for Joomsef 3
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TOPIC: R2Gallery Sef ext for Joomsef 3

R2Gallery Sef ext for Joomsef 3 16 years, 6 months ago #4697

Hi all,

After some tips, I have done the necessary adaptations to rsgallery2 sefext no new joomsef3. I have added an enhancement to the extension. It add the category name do the file url by itself.

You can download it at my personal website:

Wellington Cruz

Re:R2Gallery Sef ext for Joomsef 3 16 years, 6 months ago #4698

Hi, I dont really want to ask for to much, nut have you got any idea why your artio ext doesn't work on joomla 1.5 legacy and artio? It doesn't cause any mistakes like the one Ive donwloaded from artio website, but the only urls I can see are photo-gallery-123, all look like that. I don't know if its the ext code not working in the part of getting category name out of the database, I know a bit of programming and I can read the code but I can't write it. After looking at the code I have noticed the class has been change to SefExt_com_rsgallery2 and new URL to $newUri = JoomSEF::_sefGetLocation, like in every ext for joomla 1.5, but it still doesn't work.

Please tell me if you maybe have any idea why.

Any help will be appreciated.


Re:R2Gallery Sef ext for Joomsef 3 16 years, 6 months ago #4733

Hi, pinkpantherstudio.

Sorry by the long time to awnser. I have clean my sef urls, and in my website it have in the formato. Show me your URL, it can be something diferent that was not expected in the sefext code.
If some one found some bugs or make improvments, please post it here ...

Thanx all

Re:R2Gallery Sef ext for Joomsef 3 16 years, 6 months ago #4743

Hi again,

I somehow managed to make it work :) The plugin was ok I just had to change the settings in artio. Im sorry for trouble, I just haven't checked it. Thank you for the plugin, Ive been struggling with finding it for very long time, and non version that ive downloaded worked except for yours (probably because the ones I got were done for joomla 1.0 not 1.5).

Thank you again. Please let me know if you happen to find or create extension for EventList by


Re:R2Gallery Sef ext for Joomsef 3 16 years, 5 months ago #4888

  • mx5gr
  • Posts: 63
I installed it in Joomla 1.5.6 and RSGallery 2.0b but when activated within Artio, I get a "Page encoding error" in the browser and nothing is displayed.

Forced to run under "nocache" for rsgallery2 component at the moment. Any ideas why the extension is not working?
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