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just got Virtuemart extension, can not install it
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TOPIC: just got Virtuemart extension, can not install it

just got Virtuemart extension, can not install it 16 years ago #5715


installed: ARTIO JoomSEF v3.2.3
extention to be installed:

error message:


* JInstaller::install: Error SQL DB function failed with error number 1146
Table 'hrmd.chmshop_jos_sefexttexts' doesn't exist SQL=INSERT INTO `chmshop_jos_sefexttexts` (`extension`, `name`, `value`) VALUES ('com_virtuemart', '_PHPSHOP_LIST_ALL_PRODUCTS', 'List All Products'), ('com_virtuemart', '_PHPSHOP_DOWNLOADS_TITLE', 'Download Area'), ('com_virtuemart', '_PHPSHOP_ADVANCED_SEARCH', 'Advanced Search'), ('com_virtuemart', '_PHPSHOP_CART_TITLE', 'Cart'), ('com_virtuemart', '_PHPSHOP_REGISTER_TITLE', 'Register'), ('com_virtuemart', '_PHPSHOP_FEED', 'Feed'), ('com_virtuemart', '_PHPSHOP_PARAMETER_SEARCH', 'Parameter Search'), ('com_virtuemart', '_PHPSHOP_ASK', 'Ask');

INSERT INTO `chmshop_jos_sefexttexts` (`extension`, `name`, `value`) VALUES
('com_virtuemart', '_PHPSHOP_LIST_ALL_PRODUCTS', 'List All Products'),
('com_virtuemart', '_PHPSHOP_DOWNLOADS_TITLE', 'Download Area'),
('com_virtuemart', '_PHPSHOP_ADVANCED_SEARCH', 'Advanced Search'),
('com_virtuemart', '_PHPSHOP_CART_TITLE', 'Cart'),
('com_virtuemart', '_PHPSHOP_REGISTER_TITLE', 'Register'),
('com_virtuemart', '_PHPSHOP_FEED', 'Feed'),
('com_virtuemart', '_PHPSHOP_PARAMETER_SEARCH', 'Parameter Search'),
('com_virtuemart', '_PHPSHOP_ASK', 'Ask');

* SEF Extension Instalar: Error SQL DB function failed with error number 1146
Table 'hrmd.chmshop_jos_sefexttexts' doesn't exist SQL=INSERT INTO `chmshop_jos_sefexttexts` (`extension`, `name`, `value`) VALUES ('com_virtuemart', '_PHPSHOP_LIST_ALL_PRODUCTS', 'List All Products'), ('com_virtuemart', '_PHPSHOP_DOWNLOADS_TITLE', 'Download Area'), ('com_virtuemart', '_PHPSHOP_ADVANCED_SEARCH', 'Advanced Search'), ('com_virtuemart', '_PHPSHOP_CART_TITLE', 'Cart'), ('com_virtuemart', '_PHPSHOP_REGISTER_TITLE', 'Register'), ('com_virtuemart', '_PHPSHOP_FEED', 'Feed'), ('com_virtuemart', '_PHPSHOP_PARAMETER_SEARCH', 'Parameter Search'), ('com_virtuemart', '_PHPSHOP_ASK', 'Ask');

INSERT INTO `chmshop_jos_sefexttexts` (`extension`, `name`, `value`) VALUES
('com_virtuemart', '_PHPSHOP_LIST_ALL_PRODUCTS', 'List All Products'),
('com_virtuemart', '_PHPSHOP_DOWNLOADS_TITLE', 'Download Area'),
('com_virtuemart', '_PHPSHOP_ADVANCED_SEARCH', 'Advanced Search'),
('com_virtuemart', '_PHPSHOP_CART_TITLE', 'Cart'),
('com_virtuemart', '_PHPSHOP_REGISTER_TITLE', 'Register'),
('com_virtuemart', '_PHPSHOP_FEED', 'Feed'),
('com_virtuemart', '_PHPSHOP_PARAMETER_SEARCH', 'Parameter Search'),
('com_virtuemart', '_PHPSHOP_ASK', 'Ask');



is there any explanation for this error i can not have it running properly..

thank you very much

Ignacio O.
Last Edit: 16 years ago by chileanmetal.

Re:just got Virtuemart extension, can not install it 16 years ago #5716

  • jaku

according to the error messages the reason seems to be that the table #_sefexttexts is missing from some reason.
I have no idea why or how it has happened.
I would recommend reinstalling both JoomSEF + the extension. Or if you have somewhat deeper knowledge of SQL, you may use the SQL in JoomSEF installation file to recreate the table.

Re:just got Virtuemart extension, can not install it 16 years ago #5717

thank you very much for your response!

i have no idea about mysql, but I'll give it a try uninstalling and installing again the whole thing..

i will post the results

thanks again
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