I do know that 1.3.3 is buggy, but for the moment it is working correctly as I need it, until I am comfortable using 1.4.1 (or 1.4.2), i am going to leave it.
My issue is that on the site running 1.4.1 when I setup it all up and went to the home page directly, I had my news section with more items than was shown on the front page, therefore it generated the link below it to go to the next page, which is named /2.html.
/2.html does go to the correct page, the additional news stories, but if I go back to the same links at the bottom that shows << Start < Prev 1 2 Next > End >> and click on 1 or Prev or Start it goes to page 6.html.
I would figure that it should go back to the index page or frontpage, not a totally new page. In my SEF config options I have it marked as this:
Exclude Souce Info: Yes
Reappend Source: No
Append Non-SEF variables to URL: Yes
I don't know if I set that wrong or not. Please advice.