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Atrio com_joomsef-2.2.2 e registrazione utenti Vir
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Support forum for users using free edition of JoomSEF 3 (Joomla 1.5 compatible). These forums are mainly for mutual help between users.

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TOPIC: Atrio com_joomsef-2.2.2 e registrazione utenti Vir

Atrio com_joomsef-2.2.2 e registrazione utenti Vir 17 years, 3 months ago #3375

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Hello, I have a problem: on a situated one with joomla 1.0.13a + VirtueMart I have installed Entrance hall com_joomsef-2.2.2 and all it works unless when it is recorded through the VirtueMart module or during the order, in the moment where it comes demanded the insertion of Username/Password or one new registration, than me it sends back to one page \"404\". The recording goes to good aim, but the customer remains some tilt... How to resolve? Thanks for the councils...

(Translation automatic... :-/
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