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Another sitemap module needs Joomsef Urls
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TOPIC: Another sitemap module needs Joomsef Urls

Re: Another sitemap module needs Joomsef Urls 12 years, 4 months ago #32109

  • Mbit
  • Posts: 35
yes its exactly the same url. what i want is the url before it gets listed/printed in the xml, to get converted to sef one. So when crawler comes to scan crawls a renamed url and not a non-sef. Because when i get clicks back trom that site, i get my url as its listed in artio but added a referrer and so url looks ike non-sef. Should i add a parameter removal option for that ref? would that work?

Re: Another sitemap module needs Joomsef Urls 12 years, 4 months ago #32147

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
I'm sorry, I don't quite understand what exactly you are trying to achieve. Could you add some examples of URLs?

Anyway, the JRoute::_() function is the one that's used to convert non-SEF URLs to SEF in Joomla. I honestly don't know what could cause it not to work. We can debug the problem directly on your server as a paid service.
ARTIO Support Team

Re: Another sitemap module needs Joomsef Urls 12 years, 4 months ago #32151

  • Mbit
  • Posts: 35
Its a component that generated a xml like a sitemap but with short-description, category name, sku, image path, & product url.
the php file inside the component that generates the output xml has this variable:
$product_link= "<![CDATA[" .URL."index.php?option=com_virtuemart&category_id=".$category_id."&flypage=vmj_genx.tpl&lang=el&manufacturer_id=".$manufacturer_id."&page=shop.product_details&product_id=".$product_id."&Itemid=53"."]]>";

What i want is when that file is generated to list SEF url and not non-SEF. So it should somehow convert url before exporting.

Re: Another sitemap module needs Joomsef Urls 12 years, 4 months ago #32187

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
Adding the JRoute::_() function call should do just that:
$product_link= "<![CDATA[" .JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_virtuemart&category_id=".$category_id."&flypage=vmj_genx.tpl&lang=el&manufacturer_id=".$manufacturer_id."&page=shop.product_details&product_id=".$product_id."&Itemid=53")."]]>";

If that doesn't work, there is probably some problem in your Joomla or with JoomSEF installation. If JoomSEF works correctly on your website, I don't know why calling the JRoute::_() directly wouldn't, because that's the function used in Joomla to convert non-SEF URLs to SEF.
ARTIO Support Team
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