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1000's of SEF url's being created ;-(
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TOPIC: 1000's of SEF url's being created ;-(

1000's of SEF url's being created ;-( 17 years, 8 months ago #2462

I have a bot which is hitting my site every few minutes with urls in this format:

JoomSEF is creating entries for this (hence I have lots!). The entries created look like this:

SEF URL : content/1.htm
REAL URL: index.php?option=com_content&id=0&limit=9&limitstart=9&task=3692.htm

SEF URL : content/2.htm
REAL URL: index.php?option=com_content&id=0&limit=18&limitstart=9&task=3542.htm


Sure enough, if I visit I correctly get redirected to the frontpage as the page does not exist. So why does JoomSEF create an entry for it?

The bot is a google bot that looks like it has gone crazy!

I have the latest version of JoomSEF.

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