{I deleted my other post in another section of the forum}
This is something that really needs to be looked into. I am having a similar problem when using JoomSEF (paid version). As the other posters have stated, when I have JoomSEF turned on and the Community Builder Ext set to JoomSEF Handler (Common Tab), my site gives me the following links, which should all lead to our newest member for example:
Total Membership Module:
Then we have a menu item to go to the complete users list which is (see further down for more info):
And we have a menu item for the required User Profile link, which shows:
Now back to the Userlist page, when you click on the page the link to the same user (and all users for that matter) is the following;
Another thing, is that is also shows the same type of links (just above) for members that are logged in, under the who's online module. For example:
If I hover over my username being logged in, it shows
All other users are shown as
Also, the edit profile option does not work while the ext is running in the above settings.
Now, if I change the setting for JoomSEF Basic rewriting, we get the following for the same example user above:
Total Membership Module:
User list menu link:
Required profile menu item:
User link as shown on the user list page:
In the Who's online, I get the following for the ones listed above:
My user profile:
Other logged in user:
I wish I know more about making the ext.'s and understanding how they work, especially for JoomSEF and I would try and sit down to figure it out, but I have no understanding of them and looking at them I don't want to try right now.
Here is the information for my site that will be helpful, I currently have left the ext set to the Basic Rewriting, and would be will to help test any new version that you can come up with. Unlike some of the others, I don't mind if the link includes user-profile or userprofile, as long as its consistent.
Joomla! 1.5.23
Community Builder 1.4
JoomSEF 3.8.1 (paid version)
CB Ext 2.0.0 (date is shown to be June 5 2008)
Other items as well, but does not seem to be having an issues with.
Again, I am more than willing to make my site a test site (even though its live), since the ext can be removed and replaced if needed. Really would like to get this site to show in what I would consider a proper format.
Please help.