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Google Analytics to track JoomDoc downloads?
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TOPIC: Google Analytics to track JoomDoc downloads?

Google Analytics to track JoomDoc downloads? 14 years, 5 months ago #14715

  • fwu
  • Posts: 2
Hi, is it possible to use Google Analytics to track file downloads implemented with JoomDocs?

Unfortunately, the JoomDoc built-in Download Logs and Statistics does not provide enough tracking information that our client needs, particularly within certain timeframes. For example, if we wanted to see a list of what documents were downloaded how many times for the month of July 2010. And for August 2010. Then we could use that information to evaluate which programs or campaigns leading to those documents were most effective. The current tracking info requires a lot of manual work to figure some of the analytics behind the downloads.

We utilize Google Analytics (via the GA tracking code on our template file) to track site content but it does not seem to be able to track downloads of documents implemented via JoomDoc. Google Analytics can identify when users reach a category of documents, but not when users actually click to download a file. JoomDoc Statistics and Download Logs are showing that documents are being downloaded, but that is not reflected in Google Analytics. I know Google Analytics does not natively track file downloads so we are using a javascript we found to do so:

We also are using AceSEF to implement SEF links on our site.

Anyone have any thoughts? Or does anyone have any other suggestion to gain more analytics/tracking info from JoomDocs?

Thanks in advance!
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Re:Google Analytics to track JoomDoc downloads? 14 years, 5 months ago #14725

Hello, I am looking for the same thing. Currently Using Artio Google Analytics Tracker.

This is what I found online how to add capability to track downloads in google analytics. It requires one more script.

This script has been provided by

I am not a programmer, So I am hoping that some one can modify and add needed script to Artio Google Analytics Tracker and provide new version for download.

Thank You. Yevgeny
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Re:Google Analytics to track JoomDoc downloads? 14 years, 5 months ago #14742

  • fwu
  • Posts: 2
Hi, the script (gatag.js) that you mentioned is the same one that I referenced. The script doesn't currently work with JoomDOC downloads because it is looking for file extensions (for example: .pdf, .doc) which JoomDOC does not display.

Normally a link generated by JoomDOC to download a file implemented by JoomDOC would appear in the following fashion as a Real URL:

Someone suggested modifying the gatag.js script so that it looks for the term "doc_download" (which appears in the JoomDOC generated links) instead of file extensions.

var isDoc = path.match(/\.(?:doc|eps|jpg|png|svg|xls|ppt|pdf|xls|zip|txt|vsd|vxd|js|css|rar|exe|wma|mov|avi|wmv|mp3)($|\&|\?)/);

var isDoc = path.match(/doc_download/);

But that didn't appear to work as the relevant info still did not show up in Google Analtyics.

If Artio added an additional Filter field in the Download Logs area or even support multiple terms in the existing single Filter field, that would make the logs even more helpful. For example, filtering the log results by: August 2010, datasheet. Of course, sites with a large quantity of downloadable files will still require a lot of manual work for better document analytics, but it would be a start.

Another possibility to try may be to manually add in the appropriate file extension to SEF URL links generated by a Joomla extension which makes JoomDOC real URLs appear as SEF links publicly. Perhaps the gatag.js script can then detect the download files.

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