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Organic Ecommerse data is not being tracked
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TOPIC: Organic Ecommerse data is not being tracked

Re: Organic Ecommerse data is not being tracked 14 years ago #20253

Here is the url/ link:

Computer Reading Glasses

Re: Organic Ecommerse data is not being tracked 14 years ago #20264

Hi, in my case of it not working with organic e-commerce the tracking code is in the bottom of the confirm order page, it appears as:
<script type="text/javascript">
try {
function GATrack() {
var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-4109267-1");
pageTracker._addTrans('284', 'Simple Industries Inc. --Jamaica Blue Mountain® coffee', '43.220000', '0', '8.230000', 'Ottawa', 'ON', 'CAN');
pageTracker._addItem('284', 'RBM', 'Ridgelyne Medium Roast whole bean 1lb', 'Jamaica Blue Mountain® coffee, Coffee', '39.990000', '1.000000');
document.adminForm.formSubmit.addEventListener('click', GATrack, true);
} catch(err) {}

The web url is here

Re: Organic Ecommerse data is not being tracked 14 years ago #20360

Bump. Still having this problem.

Re: Organic Ecommerse data is not being tracked 14 years ago #20450

Hi there,

My client also reported me that e-commerce tracking code is not working.

Can you provide the code to use new GA script instead of the old one?
(I know there is new script in the file).
I'd like to test it to see if it works.


- Seiko
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