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Sell to Accounts in Front-End Sales? Memberships?
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TOPIC: Sell to Accounts in Front-End Sales? Memberships?

Sell to Accounts in Front-End Sales? Memberships? 9 years, 8 months ago #46535

Hi there,

The E-Ticket system sounds very promising. Can the front end ticket selling also be used to sell tickets into a user account, or quickly create a user account? For a business, this is very important.

Also, I would love to hear from anyone that uses E-Ticket system to sell tickets to events online, and also over the counter like a box office.

Also, is it possible to sell memberships with E-Ticket, that could give the customer access to ticket types protected by ACL, to get a membership discount?

Many thanks,

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Re: Sell to Accounts in Front-End Sales? Memberships? 9 years, 8 months ago #46564

  • paza
  • Posts: 8

There are two options. A customer can register an account and order tickets with that account or an unregistered customer can make an order but he still needs to enter his shipping and invoicing address etc. The creation of a new account is very easy and quick, so this shouldn't be a problem.

We respect the customer's privacy, so you have to understand that we can't provide such information as contact to a existing customer.

For that purpose you could use Vouchers where you can specify discount but our system is not able to sell that vouchers. However, we often implement special features for customers, but just as a paid service.


ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Sell to Accounts in Front-End Sales? Memberships? 9 years, 8 months ago #46565

Hi Paza,

Thank you for the reply. To clarify the font-end selling process, maybe I was not clear, sorry. I was thinking of a situation where a ticket seller was asking a customer if they would consent to giving their personal details to complete a booking, like most businesses. Is there a convenient way for E-Tickets to process this?


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Re: Sell to Accounts in Front-End Sales? Memberships? 9 years, 8 months ago #46566

  • paza
  • Posts: 8
The user has to specify at least Name, Surname, E-mail and Phone. Other fields such as Address etc. are optional. If the required fields are not filled, the booking process can not be completed.


ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Sell to Accounts in Front-End Sales? Memberships? 9 years, 8 months ago #46567

Thanks again Paza, but I mean if the software is used as Point of Sale system, where the customer is not using the system, but a ticket seller is. Is there an interface for this is in the software?

Not many Joomla extensions allow this, so it would be very useful.


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Re: Sell to Accounts in Front-End Sales? Memberships? 9 years, 8 months ago #46568

  • paza
  • Posts: 8
The E-tickets system is not designed to be used as a PoS system. It could be used that way but you would have to specify what exactly are you aiming. Without customization ticket seller could create orders with the E-tickets extension, but it is designed as the system to sell e-tickets (electronic tickets) which are sent to a customer by email.


ARTIO Support Team
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