"Our private school handles two residences to handle accommodations for our students.
In one of the residences, the rentals are on weekly basis from Sat to Sat or from Sun to Sun"
- yes, you can set it in Bookable item
"The other residence are being rented on study block basis of every four weeks. Total of 13 study blocks
per year. The beginning of study block starts on a Monday but it is not always on the first Monday of each month.
This means that even if a student starts on the third week of a study block, he would have to be booked for the four
weeks of that study block and pay for four weeks."
- this can be done only if you create price for every single study block in Bookable item -> tab Price
"At the moment, we are only looking at using "Book it" just for reservation."
- yes, Booking can be used without price (can be set in Configuration - tab Price)
"Only the adminstrators/managers can make the reservation and not open to the students/public."
- yes, this can be done by permissions (Configuration -> Permissions)
"I am sure the data/report can be exported to excel or pdf.
I would like "Book it" to calculate and print an invoice that includes Rent, Admin, Maintenance, and Placement fees plus Security Deposit."
- please, what do you mean by Admin, Maintenance and Placement fees? And do you mean invoice or confirmation?
"Book It should be able to upload agreement for each client or buttons or a select fields to show agreement was completed."
- yes, you can add Terms of Service to purchasing process
" Is Book It 2 and Book 2 Pro the same software and the difference between the two is the service/support?"
- yes, there is the difference only in level of provided support service (
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