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"select week" dropdown confusing
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Universal booking and reservations component for Joomla!.

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TOPIC: "select week" dropdown confusing

"select week" dropdown confusing 12 years ago #36858

Hi, is it possible to change the "Select week" drop down (which is a bit confusing for some people here) to maybe select month or a calendar pop up.

For example, if a customer wants to book something in June (displaying weekly calendar) they have to know what week number it is which is confusing.

Thanks, any idea would be appreciated.
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Re: "select week" dropdown confusing 12 years ago #36878

Any ideas to this. I know it is possible to display the option for the customer to chose between the calendars (could be a bit confusing for some).

I love the way the weekly calendar is displaying the booking but then when it comes to chosing another week, i am not a fan of the week selection. So would love to have there a calendar option instead...or even better..

displaying 4-5 weeks (example) on the booking page with a next button for the next 4-5 weeks (like my old booking component appointment booking pro)
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Re: "select week" dropdown confusing 12 years ago #36893

  • mach
  • Posts: 112
many thanks for idea.
If you want quickly change format in the dropdown list, please send me requested format and I will tell you where insert specific code to make it works.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: "select week" dropdown confusing 12 years ago #36920

Thanks for your answer. I think i would prefer to have there if not a calendar function (later possible) instead of the current display "16/2013" maybe "22.03.13 - 29.03.13" or "22 March - 29 March"

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Re: "select week" dropdown confusing 12 years ago #36925

Is the file to be changed in /components/com_booking_assets/js/calendar.js ?

weekNavigation : function(week, year) {
if (year == undefined) {
var parts = week.split(',');
week = parts[0];
year = parts[1];

What would i have to change here?
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Re: "select week" dropdown confusing 12 years ago #36943

  • mach
  • Posts: 112
If you have PHP 5.3.+ on the server, replace function getWeekSelect in the file administrator/components/com_booking/helpers/html.php near line 657 with following code :
function getWeekSelect($name, $selectedWeek, $selectedYear, $deep, $attribs = '')
$arr = array();
for ($i = 0; $i <= $deep; $i ++) {
$date = JFactory::getDate('+ ' . $i . ' week');
$date->modify('this week');
$week = (int) $date->format('W');
$week1 = $date->format("j.n.y");
$week2 = $date->modify('+6 days')->format("j.n.y");
$year = (int) $date->format('Y');
$text = $week1 . ' - ' . $week2;
$arr[] = JHTML::_('select.option', $week . ',' . $year, $text);
return JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $arr, $name, $attribs, 'value', 'text', $selectedWeek . ',' . $selectedYear);
ARTIO Support Team
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