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Issue with Calendar Boxes
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Universal booking and reservations component for Joomla!.

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TOPIC: Issue with Calendar Boxes

Issue with Calendar Boxes 12 years, 10 months ago #29670


Calendar Issue:

I have noticed in the html code that when a reservation has been made the code to call the block colour advising the resevation is already taken is missing?

Here is the code for when a time is available:
<td class="box">
<span class="time">09:15 - 10:15</span>
<span class="price price0" id="box-4-4-1"></span>

Here <span class="price price0" id="box-4-4-1"> calls for the colour of the box to be "#18a1c9"

But when a reservation is already made only <span class="price"></span> is called? Which means that there is no colour to indicate the date/time is no longer available Here is the code:

<td class="box">
<span class="time">08:00 - 09:00</span>
<span class="price"></span>

There is many coloured boxes in the general.css file and I would ideally like "price5" to indicate a date/time is no longer available rather than just having a blank box. Which suggests that there is something wrong with the code or configuration. I have attached a screenshot of the calendar. Can you please advise of a solution here.

My site details:

It is still being built so I have created a login for you:

Username: artio
Password: artio

Please advise of a solution as soon as possible.
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Re: Issue with Calendar Boxes 12 years, 10 months ago #29812

  • jitr
  • ARTIO Support
  • Posts: 1432
Hello, there is no such option. We can improve it with code editing as well.
ARTIO Support Team
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