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Hourly Bookings - Front & Back End Errors
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Universal booking and reservations component for Joomla!.

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TOPIC: Hourly Bookings - Front & Back End Errors

Hourly Bookings - Front & Back End Errors 11 years, 1 month ago #42540

Front-End errors:
I face various problems with hourly bookings so I created 2 items trying to see what is wrong. Both items belong to a new template & a new Category which are like the Hockey sample.
The first item named "Gaia" is a new item. The second item named "Gaia b" is a copy of the sample item "Hockey 1".
Both items have same settings ie. Type = Hourly, Time unit = 30, From = 08:00, To = 21:00, Day Availability = Mo - Fr

The problem is that while the copied item displays correctly (besides the fact that Sat & Sun titles still show up), the new item is wrong both in item list & in item detail:
The new item for Mon displays hours 08:00 to 24:00, for Tue, Wed & Thu hours 00:00 to 24:00 and for Friday hours 00:00 to 21:00.

Also even if in global config, "Week Starts on" is set to Monday, the calendar shows Sunday first.

Back-End errors:
Reservation expiration, no matter the new setting, always turns to “online payment only” after item save. This is true for all sample & new items alike.

Screenshots of both items included.

Also, please let me know if the current version (2.2.4) allows for free reservations (ie. no Prices - no Payment is required to reserve) as you have announced in previous forum topics.

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Re: Hourly Bookings - Front & Back End Errors 11 years, 1 month ago #42553

  • vebi
  • Posts: 444

It seems like a bug. We will check it and let you know.

As regards your question - yes, this feature is possible in the current version.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Hourly Bookings - Front & Back End Errors 11 years, 1 month ago #42565

vebi wrote:

It seems like a bug. We will check it and let you know.

As regards your question - yes, this feature is possible in the current version.

OK then, I will be waiting for your solution.

Regarding free reservations can you explain what are the required settings to skip the payment process?
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Re: Hourly Bookings - Front & Back End Errors 11 years, 1 month ago #42572

  • vebi
  • Posts: 444

go to the configuration/prices/using pricies/without prices
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Hourly Bookings - Front & Back End Errors 11 years, 1 month ago #42582

vebi wrote:

go to the configuration/prices/using pricies/without prices

Hi, even though "Prices" is set to "without prices" & "Customer has to Login or Register Before Reserving" is set to "Yes" after clicking on "Save & go to checkout":
a form is displayed with Customer details as input fields, Reservation Contact input fields and check-boxes to input Payment Method.

Also "Payment Method" & "Pay full price" data is displayed after Reservation confirmation.
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Re: Hourly Bookings - Front & Back End Errors 11 years, 1 month ago #42598

  • jitr
  • ARTIO Support
  • Posts: 1432
Hello, we cannot imagine it. Please add here a screenshot.
ARTIO Support Team
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