"Hello, you are probably missing language constant in your custom localisation. What langauge do you use?
Place into frontend language file constant:
The above solution doesn't address the problem that the actual Artio Code is missing the function calls to actually access the language files. The Artio code is essentially broken in its off-the-shelf format. You will need to re-apply this fix every time Artio updates their code unless this issue is addressed: Artio updates will re-break the code (we have had it happen).
Here's what's going on:
0. Problem Description
1. File Path
2. Description of Changes
3. Modifications to Language Overrides
0. Problem Description
When paying for a reservation, at the "Add Reservation" step a user encounters the following string:
This problem is due to code in the file listed below not calling functions to access Joomla language files to output values to the page when it is displayed and interpreted by a browser.
1. File Path
2. Description of Changes
Two (2) lines of code need modificiation: 537, 539:
Line 537 original:
<div class="hasTip payment" title="<?php echo $this->escape($payment->title); echo (($info = JString::trim($payment->params->get('info'))) ? ('::' . $this->escape($info)) : ''); ?>">
Line 537 new:
<div class="hasTip payment" title="<?php echo $this->escape(JText::_($payment->title)); echo (($info = JString::trim($payment->params->get('info'))) ? ('::' . $this->escape($info)) : ''); ?>">
Line 539 original:
<label for="payment_method_id_<?php echo $payment->alias; ?>"><?php echo $payment->title; ?></label>
Line 539 new:
<label for="payment_method_id_<?php echo $payment->alias; ?>"><?php echo JText::_($payment->title); ?></label>
3. Modifications to Language Overrides
Created override for constant "PLG_BOOKINGPAYMENT_PAYPAL_NAME"
The value of this constant will appear on the page. The current value is:
Pay for this reservation using PayPal <img src="images/logo_paypal_small.gif" />
The value of the text along with the image is displayed on the page.
Note: I uploaded the PayPal gif for this test.