I'm using Joomla/Virtuemart and Artio for URL rewriting and it's been working fine for a while.
In a Joomla Article, I use regular URL towards virtuemart products with following pattern
On the website, the URL appears as :
The beginning of the URL seems to be good but the end shows "?option=com_content" which corresponds to nothing in the abovementioned URL
Does anybody has any idea?
The new URL shows un ...
Posted 11 years, 2 months ago
by Zek
I have the two following issues
1/ I have VM 1.1 + Artio as SEF rewriting component. When a product or category is unpublished, I get a 404 error (which appears as a unfindable URL in Google Webmaster Tool). I could redirect these errors with the sefmoved table of artio. But this method causes problems when the category / product is published again as the redirection is still running. How would you handle this situation?
2/ In Google Webmaster Tools, some URL are flagged as unfindable, which is from what I understand an important SEO issue. For some URL, I thought that it would not be necessary to implement a 301 redirect but just to disallow the URL (or some pattern in it) with the robots.txt file. What do you think about this solution?
I’m waiting for your replies,
Thks in advance
Google Webmaster Too ...
Posted 13 years, 6 months ago
by Zek
I'm using joomsef v2.3.2 and using Google Analytics as statistics tools.
I want to see which pages have been clicked by customers. For joomla, everything is fine and I can see the traffic for all rewrittent URLs but I have an issue for Virtuemart as all pages are "regrouped" under "shop_browse.htm", "shop.product_details.htm", even though the URL are rewritten fine by Artio. As a consequence, i can't see which products or catalogue pages are the most successful.
Can you help?
Google Analytics Tra ...
Posted 13 years, 6 months ago
by Zek
I have an issue with Analytics.
I can't track all the pages but for the shop only shop.browse.htm and shop.product_details.htm
Actually, i can't track the rewritten urls for the shop (strangely, I can track the rewritten urls for the rest of the site - articles)
Does anybody have an idea?
Analytics issue
Posted 13 years, 7 months ago
by Zek
A growing number of people browse through images on google.
The thing with joomla/virtuemart is that images are encoded and images url look like domain/images/ldohaoirziaoejf6712356.jpg
I'd like to rewrite these URL using artio. The name of the file should be replaced by something like that : category of the product - name of the product ...
Is there any solution to this problem?
Thanks for yours answers,
How to Rewrite Virtu ...
Posted 15 years, 3 months ago
by Zek
Ok, Thks
Artio Jos_redirectio ...
Posted 16 years, 3 months ago
by Zek
I have implemented ArtioSEF on Joomla/Virtuemart and experience the following problem :
Almost all records of the table jos_redirection are being deleted every now and then, without any action in the admin.
It seems the few records that don't disappear have a valid value for the field "dateadd". All the other records have this field value set to 0
Can anybody help?
Artio Jos_redirectio ...
Posted 16 years, 4 months ago
by Zek
I've installed Artio JoomSEF a few weeks ago. I have faced the two following problems, that seem to be connected to the use of Google Analytics and Google Adwords on my website.
- Artio creates thousands of SEF URL corresponding to Real URL with a GCLID parameter.
i.e real URL : index.php?option=com_virtuemart&category_id=170&gclid=CLiukbi7x5MCFQ4Iuwodgh7LZA&page=shop.browse&vmcchk=1&Itemid=1
SEF URL : bijoux/collections-bijoux/collection-argent-bagues-1246.html
How can I avoid this?
- My Google Analytics results have become crazy.
99% of my traffic comes from Adwords since my website is not visible in crawlers results. Since the installation, Analytics says that my traffic comes 40% from Google CPC and 40% from Google Organic. Weirder still, 20% of my traffic is said to come from Ask Jeeves. This crawler is not used in France at all!
Can anybody help?
Analytics - Artio Is ...
Posted 16 years, 9 months ago
by Zek
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