Hi again,
Because of the way the script is written I cannot use
$meta = $this->getMetaTags();
because it would affect the creation of title and description also.
I removed the sanitation completely to solve the problem and I stopped joomsef from generating keywords.
I am now generating my own keywords directly from the Virtuemart extension based on product title, category and website name. (the way amazon.com handles keywords).
Thank you very much for your help and have a nice day.
How to add keyword m ...
Posted 13 years, 8 months ago
by wonderbaby
Hei, that's great.
I just tried it and it works, but I have a problem with the way it rebuilds the keywords. I'll give you an example:
My keywords are: "carucioare copii, wonderbaby"
When I look on the page they are: "copii, carucioare, wonderbaby"
Can I stop him from doing that?
It also removes 2-3 letters long word, but that's a setting in the admin area.
Thank you
How to add keyword m ...
Posted 13 years, 8 months ago
by wonderbaby
Hi, I am using a hacked and rewritten version of Virtuemart extension for my website. I managed to use $this->metadesc and $this->pagetitle to generate meta data and I am looking for something similar for keywords.
Any idea?
I tried $this->metakey but with no results.
Now I just see the automatically generated keywords which I don't like.
Thank you
How to add keyword m ...
Posted 13 years, 8 months ago
by wonderbaby
Thank you, that helped alot.
Actualy nothing happened when I changed that option, but then I looked some more and when I changed Parse Joomla SEO links: to NO it started to behave normaly.
Now all the wrong url's get a 404 Error.
Thank you
Non existing urls ge ...
Posted 13 years, 11 months ago
by wonderbaby
Non existing urls ge ...
Posted 13 years, 11 months ago
by wonderbaby
that's great news. My email is
Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript
and thanx a lot.
More cherry picker w ...
Posted 14 years, 5 months ago
by wonderbaby
I am trying to find a solution for cherry picker to work with joomsef. When I changed varchar to 10000 and removed the index i ended up with jos_sefurls having 73 mb and about 13000 entries. This caused my website to load a page in 10 seconds. I now went back to varchar 255 with index and simply not using joomsef for cherry picker filters.
Another issue is that I also have the default System - SEF plugin enabled along with Artio JoomSEF plugin and this is the only way I get sef urls for cherry picker. If i disable System SEF plugin, the links created with filters are simply not seffed anymore. I don't know if this behaviour is correct, but I don't think it should. Also when i access a filter it would be usefull for the Title of the bage to change using the filter name, because I get a lot of duplicate titles from google.
I hop someone can light me up because I am looking at this matter for a long time.
Than you.
More cherry picker w ...
Posted 14 years, 5 months ago
by wonderbaby
you have to remove the index from "origurl" before you can change it from varchar to text. i used phpmyadmin to do that. sorry for the late reply but i forgot what i did and i had to do some research to do it again:)
chery picher
Posted 14 years, 6 months ago
by wonderbaby
can I use joomsef option "internal links" with virtuemart so that internal links are displayed in product description?
i tried it, but nothing happens, although they are displayed in articles.
thank you
Intrenal links not w ...
Posted 14 years, 6 months ago
by wonderbaby
Since yesterday some of my virtuemart link stopped working and just shop a page with 404 on it, but not the custom 404 page I created.
this is an example www.wonderbaby.ro/la-masa/scaune-servit-masa.html
This appears to be randomly, there are categories, sub-categories and product page that have this problem, but not all of them.
Also the joomsef admin says Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 10 seconds exceeded in /home/wonder/public_html/administrator/components/com_sef/models/sefurls.php on line 62 when I try to manage sef urls.
also when i enter joomsef configuration i have the following error:
Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /home/wonder/public_html/administrator/components/com_sef/models/config.php on line 176
I am using Version: 3.7.4 and virtuemart extention 2.0.32
also search returns a 404 page so i decided to turn off sef for search.
404 error for some v ...
Posted 14 years, 6 months ago
by wonderbaby
I had the same problem and I found out that if I add to many filters the module simply can't handle it because it cannot save the string in the database. I solved the problem by modifying the database and if i remember correctly I think I changed 'origurl' field in 'jos_sefurls' from varchar(255) to text type. After you do this everything will work, but this is just a quick hack and I am still waiting for a solution from the programmers that wrote the software. The issue here is that text type cannot be indexed and it may become slower.
chery picher
Posted 14 years, 10 months ago
by wonderbaby
hello again,
i see there is no answer yet to my problem.
to explain it better i will show you what i found in Joomsef url manager:
the correct link to my product flypage is:
and is created when i directly access the product from the category listing
bu if i access the product from another product flypage using the next/prev product link it creates another link like this:
as you can see the manufacturer id is not the corect one
Manufacturer problem ...
Posted 15 years ago
by wonderbaby
i have the following problem on my website. I use "Add manufacturer to URL" option on virtuemart extention. Everything works fine, when i enter the flypage, the adress is website/category/manufacturer/product_name
, but when i click next / previous product, my manufacturer doesn't change. it shows the same manufacturer in the adress bar for all the products.
i have also made a hack to display manufacturer in the title of the page after product title, but same thing happens when i navigate with next / prev product, the manufacturer doesn't change.
i am using the lastest versions of joomla, virtuemart and joomsef
thank you
Manufacturer problem ...
Posted 15 years ago
by wonderbaby
VirtueMart ARTIO s.r.o. 2.0.16 14. January 2010 2.0.16 Paid Up to date JoomSEF extension
i have the latest updates, but the problem is that if i use more then 3 filters the plugin stops working.
is there a wild character to use like product_type_* ??
chery picher
Posted 15 years, 1 month ago
by wonderbaby
any news on cherry picker support?
the problem i have on my site is that when i select more then 2 filters cherry picker stops working and the website shows me all the products as if i don't have any filter selected. if i disable joomsef cherry picker works fine.
i thought about filtering variables but there are too many variables to filter. is there any wild characters i could use?
something like product_type_*
thank you
chery picher
Posted 15 years, 1 month ago
by wonderbaby
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