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Profile for webmastergreg

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it can be me who's missing a special setting somewhere but i can't find in Artio VM invoice where we can send an order in several parts and so with several delivery notes with VM 3.0.x.

Order N°12345 : TV sku: TV123 X 3U | Bike sku: BI123 X 2U

First delivery is: 1 x TV and 1 x Bike
First delivery note is generated with tracking number attached (1 x TV123 | 1 x BI123) & customer notification

Second delivery is: 2 x TV and 1 x Bike
Second delivery note is generated with tracking number attached (2 x TV123 | 1 x BI123) & customer notification

Now order delivery is fully completed and we can see the history of the deliveries.


Those type of process is really mandatory and included by default in any of major cart solutions, but it's not in virtuemart 3.0.x ?

The phoca plugin was perfect for this job for the VM1.1.9, and now we are stuck with it :

Already ask the author, but unfortunately he do not plan to update it for VM3 because VM3 already include this feature...
But not really the same way at all.

Thanks to consider and take the phoca example in the documentation as the good way to go !
Several deliveries f ...
Category: Feature Requests
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