I have problem with one table in my database.
I have server with 4 sites. Two small, two big with 20.000+ articles both. On one site I have Artio JomSEF. Everything is working good (SEO), but when the Artio JomSEF table jom_sefurls grow to 100+ MB (sometimes 495 MB+) server slow down. Sometimes I got message "Can't connect to MySQL server ", and everything is stop.
When I empty this table, everything is fast and good, but I have problem with finding urls. Visitors from Google,Yahoo,Bing... can't find articles. Artio Jom SEF send them to FRONT PAGE (I set this in administration to save visitors (404 message)). After some time Jom SEF index urls, and problem go away, but table jom_sefurls is to big, and server is slow!
Is there any solution for this? Stronger server, some settings on the server?
Please help me to sleep one night :(
jom_sefurls is to bi ...
Posted 13 years, 1 month ago
by vlado85