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Profile for tubacer

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 20:28
  • Posts: 18
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No response....?? I have the same problem...
wrong urls by using ...
Category: JoomSEF
joomsef creates links like, 2.html or 11-1.html, 2-2.html... Is there any way to prevent this?

Also, Google still finds 404 error on some pages which are not stored under "SEF URL" list. Why?
Why does joomsef cre ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Google has 404 pages like

I dont have such a category and they are not even listen in sef url list. What could be the reason? how can I fix it?

404 pages with /fron ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Yes, links are not visible anywhere, but google finds them... I upgraded the latest version of artio 2 weeks ago... If it takes time for google, I will pray:( Yes, I also use google webmaster tool and I see such a weird links there but could not find anywhere .. I have about 2K pages but google finds 20K errors..
404 URLs found but s ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I did what you have said, but nothing is changed.. Still google crawles 20 K pages.. What am I going to do? I NEED HELP!
Artio creates URLs l ...
I REALLY NEED HELP.. !! Does artio store old items? IS tehre any way to delete...? Google crawls 20K pages... I am really getting mad..
404 URLs found but s ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
No it is not in the Manage SEF URLs list, but it is in the "view 404 logs". I cannot find anywhere else. How does search engine crawl? If artio does not create such link by mixing sections and categories, who does? Artio is the only SEF extension that I use.

How can I solve this issue? Who is going to solve? I am ready to pay your hourly work.. Can you do it?
404 URLs found but s ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
AT 404 logs, there are lots of 404 URLs and Search engines crawls!! Actually, I dont have such a pages . Artio mixes all categories and sections and creates new URLs I dont understand why..

For example

Section name 1: fruit
Categories: Apple, Pear, Banana

Secction name 2 : Vegatables
Categories: Tomato, potato, celery

And here what artio creates :

I need to solve this problem please help..
404 URLs found but s ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Google crawls these pages, actually I dont have such urls


I only have blogs.html and i dont use category names for the articles under blogs.

Yes I checked "Number duplicate URLs?" YES, but why are there dublicate titles?
Google finds some li ...
Category: JoomSEF
"Use apache mod_rewrite" option is already enabled. I was using 3.6.2 and now upgraded to 3.6.5. I deleted all unnecessary links which is created with index.php/, cleared cache. LEt's see how it will work. I hope search engines will not crawl such links anymore!!.
Artio creates URLs l ...
I will buy one-hour support service. How ong does it take to fix this issue? Please let me know.
problem with multipl ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I have similar problem.. :(( I am ready to pay for extra hours .. but have a questiion

I have bunch of useless URL. Once you update the helper.php file, ArtioSEF will not create such URL, right?

Here is my error code:

#1: JRoute->_('index.php/american/bakeries/modern-moms/there-are-7-million-stories-in-the-naked-city-and-a-need-for-700-billion-rescue-package.html', '1', '0'), /templates/ja_teline_iii/libs/ja.template.helper.php line 125
#2: JATemplateHelper1->getCurrentURL(), n/a line
#3: call_user_func_array(Array, Array), /templates/ja_teline_iii/libs/ja.object.5.php line 55
problem with multipl ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Here are the examples:



It is not logical because american and birthday-parties re different categories under different sections..
Artio creates URLs l ...
Artio creates URLs like: /home-107.html home-108.html home-109.html and all are broken links ( 404)

Do you have any idea? How can I fix them? What is the reason?
Artio creates URLs l ...
Set following parameters like:

Exclude source info: no
Reappend source (Itemid):yes
Ignore multiple sources: yes

Clean Joomla and artio sef caches, purge all urls, clean your browser caches.. Then try again.. I had the same problem but working now..

I also do not use sections and categories on URL. I have html suffix and I don't use index for sections and categories
Big Bug: Category bl ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I hope someone will have an answer:((((

When I modify component configuration, It goes to blank page and nothing modified!!.. I can not change any configuration at component..

When this problem appeared, I was using the older version. Now I upgraded latest version 3.6., still same problem... Please help..
Admin panel problem
Category: JoomSEF 3
Here is my test website, not the real one:

Here is the page that janews com is active:

Here is the orijinal link:

Problem with Ja News ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Lots of people have the same problem. If there is any patch with this component, I will be happty to buy it . Please help. It is a general problem. artio creates index.php/... files. It doesn't create sef link for ja news component
Problem with Ja News ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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