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Profile for tromedia

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 03:10
  • Posts: 8
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Nightly booking is on, but as one of your ?programmers? who lookt at it, said there was a problem, because if you try to check in friday, and check out sunday, all this days are booked (2 days), so next person who book must start on monday. Then they also have to pay for 3 nights/days, but you only stay there 2....

I have translated the original english file, and it works on every thing except the days of the week and some other places...

OK, then I will post in the other forum next time....
Problem with Nightbo ...
Category: Community Support
Still can't post in the other forum...

When will you have the update for nightbooking so it works? My client is waiting for this update, because he know has to edit almost every booking to get it right...
Problem with Nightbo ...
Category: Community Support

This is how I set it up:

Have'nt tried the latest version of bookit, but when we then click in the calendar(version 1.4x) check in: friday and check out: sunday it books 3 days (you have to pay 3 times the daily fee, 3 days)

You have to set Check in Friday and Check out Saturday to only get two days/nights...
Problem with Nightbo ...
Category: Community Support
It would be great to be able to turn off different text in the add.php and the reservation file. Or to be able to have some of the objects as ask for price, so they book the dates, but no prices... So we can send a email with correct offer.

Also it could be great to have it so you can set a special email adresse for every objects (that should'nt be listed with calendar), so that our customers that can pay for only the listing, will recive the email to send them a price offer etc.
Turn off different t ...
Category: Feature Requests
but first, I have to license for Bookit PRO, but can't write in the other part of this forum for support.


The Nightbooking dos'nt work when you set it to diplay Monday instead of Mon/Tue (and can't translate Sun to Søn, dos'nt work with Søn )

When you then book Friday to Sunday, you book 3 nights, instead of 2... Have set the booking time from 15:00-12:00 .... So then then you can't book Sunday to Monday...

Big problem, because this is how you book on other big booking pages, from the day you book in until you check out...
Problem with Nightbo ...
Category: Community Support
emo URGENT - Calendar do ...
Category: Community Support
Did'nt fix my problem, still week 0 this week...
URGENT - Calendar do ...
Category: Community Support
I have the poblem that it starts in week 0, not 1

At the end of the year it said that in february we are in week 63+....

Have PRO version (under 1 year old), but don't get any support any more, don't answer me?

Need quick solution...
URGENT - Calendar do ...
Category: Community Support
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