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Profile for thcmedia

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 22:56
  • Posts: 4
  • Profile Views: 2119
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yes, sorry.

I am using 1.5.22 and the latest version of joomsef and plugins
Crazy Urls every so ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Right on,

Seems to be working right so far, haven't had any more examples of the weird links.

Thanks for the help.
Crazy Urls every so ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I am having a problem with urls getting a bunch of info added on and causing 404's

Here is an example of the original link that works most of the time
original link :

www weedwatch com/us-news/thc-reduces-aggressive-behavior-in-schizophrenics-study

This is what comes up the rest of the time with the messed up link:

www weedwatch com/index.php/marijuana-news/medical-marijuana/templates/rt_syndicate_j15/css/news/login/washington/entertainment/reviews/events/login/maine/tag/us-news/thc-reduces-aggressive-behavior-in-schizophrenics-study

I can turn off Joomsef and i can't seem to reproduce the error.
Any suggestions or any one else had this happen to them.

Thanks in advanc
Crazy Urls every so ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I just purchased the paid version and was trying to upgrade. It is telling me that my url is wrong, but it is not wrong, it just stripped the :// out after the http

I tried to find an email option to get this corrected, but can't find one.

Can an admin please check this out and give me a hand please.

Help with Online mig ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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