Hi! i've bought VMInvoice but i can't install it it tells me
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator,
Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript
and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
i've tried to install from folder but nothing
i've copied my joomla 2.5.6 website in another server but it tells me it cannot create the folder
how could i do?? i need to use the component i've buyed please help me!! thank you
i can't install VMIn ...
Posted 12 years, 2 months ago
by surferbloggy
perfect!!! thank you bye
set the progressive ...
Posted 12 years, 2 months ago
by surferbloggy
Hi, I have the problem that virtuemart 2.0 invoice and receipt have a big random number, instead i need the progressive number for the invoice becouse in italy i need to register the "fattura" with progressive number like 1 or 2 or 3... does VM invoice resolve this problem??does it allow me to set the progressive number for the invoice?? if so i'll buy thank you
set the progressive ...
Posted 12 years, 2 months ago
by surferbloggy
could you take a look to the website live??
if you give me your email i'll send you a link thank you
cancel the search re ...
Posted 12 years, 3 months ago
by surferbloggy
hi, in my website each item has a property to distinguish one from each other and different parents so in a page i have items with restaurant as parent and as property, in another page there are items with cinema as parent and as property, ect not different models, the model is always the same but they have different parents and property,
i have a search module in the header of each items page, in the beginning it works, there are restourant in a page and cinema in another page but after i use the search module and i go to another page i found the old search results not the cinemas or the restaurants in the cinemas or restaurants page how could i do to solve this problem?? what could i do?? becouse if i click reset it doesn't work
what do you suggest me?? tell me if i have to hack, becouse if i quit the browser and i visit the page again the pages are right again, how could i cancel the search results from the memory?? thank you for your help
cancel the search re ...
Posted 12 years, 3 months ago
by surferbloggy
maybe i've resolved thank you, bye
search module and fi ...
Posted 12 years, 4 months ago
by surferbloggy
i've found the table in the db is joo_booking_template_1 and the fild is "19", could you help me to write this query??
if (!empty($this->_lists['properties'])) { // filter by template properties foreach ($this->_lists['properties'] as $templateId => $properties) { $template = $templateHelper->getTemplateById($templateId); /* @var $template ATemplate */ $id = '`tmpl' . $templateId . '`'; // alias of template database table foreach ($properties as $name => $param) { // check if properties has value to filter $value = JString::trim($param['value']); if ($value){ if ($param['type'] == 'text' || $param['type'] == 'textarea'){ // fulltext search $where[] = $id . '.`' . $name . '` LIKE ' . $this->_db->Quote('%' . $value . '%'); $query2 =""; }elseif ( $value=="tutti") { if(count($prop)){ foreach ($prop as $pr) { if($pr=="ristorante" || $pr=="discoteca" || $pr=="cinema" || $pr=="centro benessere" || $pr=="sport e hobbies"){ $wheres = " AND".$id . '.`' . "19" . '` LIKE ' . $this->_db->Quote('%' . $pr . '%'); }else{ $wheres =""; } } } $where[] = $id . '.`' . $name . '` NOT LIKE ' . $this->_db->Quote('%' . $closed . '%'). $wheres; //$query2 = ' , '.$id . '.`' . $name .' DESC '; //$query2 = ' , '.$id . '.`' . $name .'` DESC '; $query2 = ' ORDER BY '.$id . '.`' . $name .'` DESC '; } else {// search by key $where[] = $id . '.`' . $name . '` = ' . $this->_db->Quote($value); $query2 =""; } } } if (!empty($where)) // there is params to filter - join with template $query .= ' LEFT JOIN `' . $template->getDBTableName() . '` AS ' . $id . ' ON ' . $id . '.`id` = `sbj`.`id` '; } }
thank you for your help
search module and fi ...
Posted 12 years, 4 months ago
by surferbloggy
hi, i need help to add a where statement to the query, i need to know which field name in the db i have to insert a value this is the code:
the property is called categoria, if i add this code it gives me error could you help me to fix it???
if(count($prop)){ foreach ($prop as $pr) { if($pr=="ristorante" || $pr=="discoteca" || $pr=="cinema" || $pr=="centro benessere" || $pr=="sport e hobbies"){ $where[] = $id . '.`' . "categoria" . '` LIKE ' . $this->_db->Quote('%' . $pr . '%'); } } }
the search module works with one property or another i need it to find 2 properties at the same time, could you help me if it works this way, the website is ok please help me!!!! thank you for your help
function buildSimpleQuery() { static $query; if (empty($query)) { $templateHelper = AFactory::getTemplateHelper(); /* @var $templateHelper ATemplateHelper */ $closed="chiuso"; $cap = abs($this->_lists['required_capacity']); // capacity should be positive integer if ($cap < 1) $cap = 1; // capacity has to be at lest 1 $query = 'SELECT `sbj`.`id`, `sbj`.`title`, `sbj`.`alias`, `sbj`.`template`, `sbj`.`introtext`, `sbj`.`params`, COUNT(`kid`.`id`) AS `children` '; if ($this->_lists['date_from'] || $this->_lists['date_to']) { // search for reservations what cover date range and sum of their capacity make subject full in this period $query .= ', (`rsv`.`state` = ' . RESERVATION_ACTIVE . ' AND (`sbj`.`total_capacity` - SUM(`itm`.`capacity`)) < ' . $cap . ') AS `isEngaged` '; // it will be test in parent select } $query .= 'FROM `#__booking_subject` AS `sbj` '; $query .= 'LEFT JOIN `#__booking_subject` AS `kid` ON `kid`.`parent` = `sbj`.`id` '; // indentify parent - search if object has children if ($this->_lists['date_from'] || $this->_lists['date_to']) { if ($this->_lists['date_type'] == 'date') { // hardly to full day reservation format $this->_lists['date_from'] = date('Y-m-d 23:59:00', strtotime($this->_lists['date_from'])); $this->_lists['date_to'] = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime($this->_lists['date_to'])); } // search for reservations what cover date range and sum of their capacity make subject full in this period $query .= ' LEFT JOIN `#__booking_reservation_items` AS `itm` ON `itm`.`subject` = `sbj`.`id` '; if ($this->_lists['date_from']) $query .= ' AND `itm`.`from` <= ' . $this->_db->quote($this->jdate2save($this->_lists['date_to'], ADATE_FORMAT_MYSQL_DATETIME, true)); if ($this->_lists['date_to']) $query .= ' AND `itm`.`to` >= ' . $this->_db->quote($this->jdate2save($this->_lists['date_from'], ADATE_FORMAT_MYSQL_DATETIME, true)); $query .= ' LEFT JOIN `#__booking_reservation` AS `rsv` ON `rsv`.`id` = `itm`.`reservation_id` '; $query .= ' AND `rsv`.`state` = ' . RESERVATION_ACTIVE . ' '; // only active reservations } if ($this->_lists['price_from'] || $this->_lists['price_to']) // search for required price range $query .= 'LEFT JOIN `#__booking_price` AS `pre` ON `pre`.`subject` = `sbj`.`id` '; if (!empty($this->_lists['properties'])) { // filter by template properties foreach ($this->_lists['properties'] as $templateId => $properties) { $template = $templateHelper->getTemplateById($templateId); /* @var $template ATemplate */ $id = '`tmpl' . $templateId . '`'; // alias of template database table foreach ($properties as $name => $param) { // check if properties has value to filter $value = JString::trim($param['value']); if ($value){ $prop[] =$value; if ($param['type'] == 'text' || $param['type'] == 'textarea'){ // fulltext search $where[] = $id . '.`' . $name . '` LIKE ' . $this->_db->Quote('%' . $value . '%'); $query2 =""; }elseif ( $value=="tutti") { $where[] = $id . '.`' . $name . '` NOT LIKE ' . $this->_db->Quote('%' . $closed . '%'); //$query2 = ' , '.$id . '.`' . $name .' DESC '; //$query2 = ' , '.$id . '.`' . $name .'` DESC '; $query2 = ' ORDER BY '.$id . '.`' . $name .'` DESC '; } else {// search by key $where[] = $id . '.`' . $name . '` = ' . $this->_db->Quote($value); $query2 =""; } } } if (!empty($where)) // there is params to filter - join with template $query .= ' LEFT JOIN `' . $template->getDBTableName() . '` AS ' . $id . ' ON ' . $id . '.`id` = `sbj`.`id` '; } } /* if(count($prop)){ foreach ($prop as $pr) { if($pr=="ristorante" || $pr=="discoteca" || $pr=="cinema" || $pr=="centro benessere" || $pr=="sport e hobbies"){ $where[] = $id . '.`' . "categoria" . '` LIKE ' . $this->_db->Quote('%' . $pr . '%'); } } } */ $where[] = '`sbj`.`state` = ' . SUBJECT_STATE_PUBLISHED; // always only published items $where[] = '`sbj`.`access` IN (' . implode(',', $this->_lists['access']) . ')'; // logged user ACL if (!is_null($this->_lists['parent'])) // search in parent branch $where[] = '`sbj`.`parent` = ' . $this->_lists['parent']; else // search in all bookable objects - ignore no-bookable parents $where[] = '`kid`.`id` IS NULL'; // hasn't children $gmt0 = $this->_db->quote(AModel::getNow()); $null = $this->_db->quote(AModel::getNullDate()); $where[] = '(`sbj`.`publish_up` <= ' . $gmt0 . ' OR `sbj`.`publish_up` = ' . $null . ')'; $where[] = '(`sbj`.`publish_down` >= ' . $gmt0 . ' OR `sbj`.`publish_down` = ' . $null . ')'; // always only published items if ($this->_lists['template_area']) // search in specific template $where[] = '`sbj`.`template` = ' . abs($this->_lists['template_area']); // template shoud be positive integer if ($this->_lists['price_from'] || $this->_lists['price_to']) { // search for price covered required price range if ($this->_lists['price_from']) $where[] = '`pre`.`value` >= ' . $this->_db->quote($this->_lists['price_from']); if ($this->_lists['price_to']) $where[] = '`pre`.`value` <= ' . $this->_db->quote($this->_lists['price_to']); // search for price covered required date range if ($this->_lists['date_from']) { $where[] = '`pre`.`date_up` <= ' . $this->_db->quote($this->jdate2save($this->_lists['date_to'], ADATE_FORMAT_MYSQL_DATE, true)); $where[] = '(`pre`.`time_up` <= ' . $this->_db->quote($this->jdate2save($this->_lists['date_to'], ADATE_FORMAT_MYSQL_TIME, true)) . ' OR `pre`.`time_up` = "00:00:00")'; // time up only in hourly reservation types } if ($this->_lists['date_to']) { $where[] = '`pre`.`date_down` >= ' . $this->_db->quote($this->jdate2save($this->_lists['date_from'], ADATE_FORMAT_MYSQL_DATE, true)); $where[] = '(`pre`.`time_down` >= ' . $this->_db->quote($this->jdate2save($this->_lists['date_from'], ADATE_FORMAT_MYSQL_TIME, true)) . ' OR `pre`.`time_down` = "00:00:00")'; } } if ($this->_lists['required_capacity']) $where[] = '`sbj`.`total_capacity` >= ' . $cap; // subject has to have required capacity, at lest 1 $query .= ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where); $query .= ' GROUP BY `sbj`.`id` '; // prevent for duplicities provided by joins if($query2 !=""){ $query .= $query2; }else{ $query .= ' ORDER BY `sbj`.`ordering` ASC '; } //$query .= $query2; if ($this->_lists['date_from'] || $this->_lists['date_to']) // parent select to test if subject is not engaged with reservations $query = 'SELECT * FROM (' . $query . ') AS `s` WHERE `isEngaged` = 0 OR `isEngaged` IS NULL'; } return $query; }
search module and fi ...
Posted 12 years, 4 months ago
by surferbloggy
i'm using a text field but if i enter the right value in the text field it finds the right results but if i filter with both the text field and the select it doesn't work anymore may i have to modify the query??
search module and fi ...
Posted 12 years, 4 months ago
by surferbloggy
thank you for the answer i think i could resolve configuring each item as only one model and adding a new property
i've done this, but the property dosn't work
it dosn't memorize the chosen value and
if i filter by this property it dosn't find any item, why??
search module and fi ...
Posted 12 years, 4 months ago
by surferbloggy
Hi, i have a problem with the search module and filter, i've added some properties and i set them both resarchable and filterable they works with one model but when i add some other items that belong to other models the search result is not only from a model but it shows items from all models even if the page is like this
object list
how could i do to restrict the search rusult to one model??
in particular after i use the search module the object lists pages are not with only items from one model
if you could take a look i'll send you login information, please help me
thank you for your help
search module and fi ...
Posted 12 years, 4 months ago
by surferbloggy
ok, thank you bye
assign a specific pr ...
Posted 12 years, 4 months ago
by surferbloggy
is it possible in artio booking to assign only some properties to a user??or limited permission??thank you
assign a specific pr ...
Posted 12 years, 4 months ago
by surferbloggy
now it works, thank you bye
add some characters ...
Posted 12 years, 4 months ago
by surferbloggy
in the intro test there is the address of the restourant for example i can read Piazza Castello, 1 but i must add the town with php becouse it's cut here
Piazza Castello, 1 and i 've done this way
if ($config->displayReadmore) { $a= AHtml::getReadmore($subject->introtext, 3000); $b=" Milano";
and <div><?php echo $a.$b; ?></div>
so if you tell me the problem is with the last word i add some space to fix it
add some characters ...
Posted 12 years, 4 months ago
by surferbloggy
Hi i have a problem with the intro test of the item in objects view i can't add some characters neither if i configure in the control panel nor i change the code here
AHtml::getReadmore($subject->introtext, $config->readmoreLength);
in the control panel is set 2500 but it's less than 2500 even if i change this way
AHtml::getReadmore($subject->introtext, 2500);
it's less
this is the code with some test if i use substr the page is broken
if ($config->displayReadmore) { //$a=substr($subject->introtext, 0, 200); //$a= AHtml::getReadmore($subject->introtext, $config->readmoreLength); $a= AHtml::getReadmore($subject->introtext, 3000); //$a= substr($subject->introtext, 0, 2500); $b=" Town";
could you help me? thank you
add some characters ...
Posted 12 years, 4 months ago
by surferbloggy
Thank you very much, very stupid error! thank you!!bye
order query by a pro ...
Posted 12 years, 4 months ago
by surferbloggy
the variable closed is set befor with
please help me if i have to pay tell me
it's urgent
thank you
order query by a pro ...
Posted 12 years, 4 months ago
by surferbloggy
Hi, i need help for a little modify to the query
this is the code i've already modify and it works,
if the property is set to ##*## it should filter the results where the property isn't "chiuso"
now i need to order the results by this property column DESC
this thing doen't work
i've tried adding after
}elseif ( $value=="##*##") {
this code
$query2 = ' , '.$id . '.`' . $name .' DESC ';
and i add at the end of the query
$query .= ' ORDER BY `sbj`.`ordering` ASC ';
$query .= $query2;
but it gives me error which is the right way?? please help me!!!
if (!empty($this->_lists['properties'])) { // filter by template properties foreach ($this->_lists['properties'] as $templateId => $properties) { $template = $templateHelper->getTemplateById($templateId); /* @var $template ATemplate */ $id = '`tmpl' . $templateId . '`'; // alias of template database table foreach ($properties as $name => $param) { // check if properties has value to filter $value = JString::trim($param['value']); if ($value){ if ($param['type'] == 'text' || $param['type'] == 'textarea'){ // fulltext search $where[] = $id . '.`' . $name . '` LIKE ' . $this->_db->Quote('%' . $value . '%'); $query2 =""; }elseif ( $value=="##*##") { $where[] = $id . '.`' . $name . '` NOT LIKE ' . $this->_db->Quote('%' . $closed . '%'); $query2 = ' , '.$id . '.`' . $name .' DESC '; } else {// search by key $where[] = $id . '.`' . $name . '` = ' . $this->_db->Quote($value); $query2 =""; } } } if (!empty($where)) // there is params to filter - join with template $query .= ' LEFT JOIN `' . $template->getDBTableName() . '` AS ' . $id . ' ON ' . $id . '.`id` = `sbj`.`id` '; } }
this is the error
Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/w45184/domains/mydomain.com/public_html/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysqli.php on line 263
thank you for your help
order query by a pro ...
Posted 12 years, 4 months ago
by surferbloggy
thank you, the iframe dosn't work i need to add direction but if i add this code
{googleDir width=680 height=400 dir_on_right=1 hide_direction_text=1 from="Stanford University, CA 94305" to="456 University Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94301 to: 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View CA 94043, to: 701 First Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94089"}
it dosn't convert it into google directions map is it possible in another way or i have to hack it??
integrate google dir ...
Posted 12 years, 5 months ago
by surferbloggy
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