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Profile for sNovak

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 00:20
  • Posts: 4
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Thanks for the push in the right direction.

The "XML-RPC - Joomla" Plugin was turned off. That's probably by default since I definitely didn't turn it off. I didn't know it existed.


Joomsef meta tag ove ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
.. is not working.

In View/Edit SEF Urls, I've added meta data that I would like to see on the respective page. But, the meta data is still default Joomla data. Am I missing a setting somewhere?
Joomsef meta tag ove ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Joomla: Joomla! 1.5.9 Production/Stable [ Vatani [eCommerce Bundle] ] 9-January-2009 23:00 GMT
VirtueMart: 1.1.2
SEF: 3.2.11
VirtueMart (extension): 2.0.1

A couple of things.

The first one I found a work around for. When adding a product to your cart, the cart module should do a Ajax type update where the desired item is added. The script is triggered and runs.. but instead of updating the cart, a 404 message is displayed in the cart instead. The error I come to find is that it can't seem to find index2.php in the project root.

Workaround: In the JoomSef configuration change 404 Page : Show Page to "Front Page" instead of the default "404 page".

My second issue, which has caused quite the headache, occurs during checkout. When trying to go from the "Cart" page to "Checkout", instead of being presented with the Ajax type login prompt, it drops me back to the Virtuemart root page. (displays the product categories and icons).

If I disable SEF urls in the global config, everything works fine.

I couldn't say when exactly this started to occur.

Any idea of a workaround or a patch? Has anyone run into this before?
Got it. I remember this one from before now..
I set: Set server QUERY_STRING? to "yes", which fixed it.
Just for reference, what does this do on the backend? (Other than fix this problem)

Whoaaa. the forum is acting up too.... com'on guys, get it together.
Joomsef VirtueMart i ...
Category: Extensions
I've been experiencing a problem where,type a direct URL into my browser to a SEF url, I sometimes get a 404 message. However, if I follow a linked SEF url.. it is almost always fine. Then, if I revisit the same url directly,, it works. ??? Is there a SEF cache that I need to initialize or something?

- Joomla 1.5.9
- VirtueMart 1.1.3
- ARTIO JoomSEF 3.2.10
direct links don't w ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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