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Profile for Simone82

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 23:43
  • Posts: 6
  • Profile Views: 2179
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The problem is not the "automatic generation", that is very bad for a very SEO site. The problem is generation tout court.
For now, the URL of an article with K2 is simply che title, different from the core of Joomla that permit to generate a more interesting URL without short word.
For now I resolve the metadata description for an article, but no for URL generation and the other that I indicate in the first post.
Naturally I use the last version of Joomla core and plugin.
No integration betwe ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi guys,
I've a big problem: I don't have any integration between ArtioSEF and K2.
The title's post are rewriting but not with alias, only with title of topic; no meta data for categories; meta description for google only if I add this with K2 core.
This is not good, because I can't indicate to google the very important data for SEO. Can you help me to resolve this problem? In the configuration where I made an error?

Order ID: 00013194
No integration betwe ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
JoomSEF generate automatically a site map in xml and then ping it to search engine. But in the sitemap I fund many links that I would delete: can I manage manually the sitemap with JoomSEF?
Can I delete some UR ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi guys,
on my Joomla! I have a jevents calendar component & module. It's generate many thousand of links (I don't find a correct configuration to can't crawling from googlebot), but if in control panel I purge the urls, in the sitemap component I can't.
Any suggestion to delete some links from sitemap?

Order ID: 00013194
Can I delete some UR ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Ok, I must activate the option "Enable MetaData generation": can I'm sure that don't automatize the process of creation meta data?
JoomSEF Meta Title n ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi guys, this is my problem.
When I write an article in Joomla!, the meta title is from title page. But in JoomSEF there's an option that rewrite the "meta title" only. I set in configuration "prefer joomsef title" but I continue to see the meta title=title. Can I resolve my problem if possible?
I don't use cache and I disable all the automatic generation of meta data, because I do it myself for best SEO accompliance.

Thank you,

PS: where I state my order ID? °_°
JoomSEF Meta Title n ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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