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Profile for SgtCedar

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 20:30
  • Posts: 2
  • Profile Views: 4890
  • Location: Unknown
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I installed JoomDoc on my Joomla site. When I try to insert a link to a file into a document nothing happens. JoomDoc Manager opens. I select the Form category I created. The file I want to insert shows in the upper window. However, there is a message "Loading files..." The message never goes away.

I clicked on the file and the information shows in the lower window. But nothing happens if you click on the OK button.
Trouble Inserting Li ...
Category: JoomDOC
I installed JoomDoc on my Joomla site. When I try to insert a link to a file into a document nothing happens. JoomDoc Manager opens. I select the Form category I created. The file I want to insert shows in the upper window. However, there is a message "Loading files..." The message never goes away.

I clicked on the file and the information shows in the lower window. But nothing happens if you click on the OK button.
Trouble Inserting Li ...
Category: JoomSEF
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