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Profile for SchweppesAle

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alright, here's a link. You'll notice that this particular item is uncategorized.

when you scroll to the bottom of the page, modules associated with the Home menu item are displaying when they shouldn't. If I clear the cache I can temporarily solve this problem, however I'm certain it's just going to occur again on another content item.

I've also included a screenshot since I obviously can't leave our privacy statement in this condition for very long. Let me know what you think, I've been watching this happen multiple times across 3 different versions of Joomsef. A patch/solution would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Joomsef - Major Bug ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I've recently updated to the latest version of joomsef. If it occurs again I'll be sure to take a screenshot; I'm really not sure what you meant by changing the itemIDs though.

Aren't those IDs associated with each content item within the database so that they would remain unique? How could making a change to the menu cause this id to change? And since the correct article itself is still being displayed, I again don't see how the two are related. Maybe I'm thinking of the wrong ID?

The menu itself seldom undergoes any major changes, usually we'll notice this bug by clicking on a blog item or via some module (News Show GK3). Usually these are items which had previously displayed correctly without pulling in modules associated with the "Home" menu item.

I guess we'll just cross our fingers for now though.
Joomsef - Major Bug ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi, I've uncovered a very serious bug with Joomsef v3.2.11, though I'm still unsure as to how it can be reproduced.

We currently run 3 different blog sites, all of which have the Joomsef component installed. After a set period of time, the links to these articles will not only pull up the articles but also modules which I've associated with the "Home" menu item.

I've seen this occur many-many times already so I know that I'm not the only one experiencing this issue and I definetely have reported it already a few months ago. Up until now our only viable solution has been to periodically clear the redirect cache then reindex the site using Xenu Link Sleuth. Is there any chance that this bug will be fixed?
Joomsef - Major Bug ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Very Serious Blog Bu ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi, I've noticed this happening all over the site, usually on older articles. The problem seems to clear up whenever you clear the list of redirects showing it's head a few weeks later.

If you click on any of the blog links you'll notice that they will only show up at the bottom of the page(beneath any modules I had set up to be visible via the home menu item). We're currently using the latest version of Joomsef.
Very Serious Blog Bu ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
is there anyway to write a redirect for all these urls?
/component/content/a ...
Category: General
Just something I recently stumbled upon. I believe the site is using the latest version of Joomsef as of 1month ago. Here's an example link; we have a few hundred of them:
/component/content/a ...
Category: General
thanks a lot guys, your tech support is excellent.
header returns 404 w ...
Category: General
for the record, this is absolutely being caused by the Joomsef component. I just disabled it for a few seconds and all the links I've just mentioned returned the correct 200 response.
header returns 404 w ...
Category: General
yes, I've tried enabling that on the site in question.

All links generated via query strings are functioning correctly; however all legacy sef urls redirected via the backlinks plugin are returning a header of 404.

This has become a critical issue on not one, but two sites as google has marked well over 2000 of our urls as 404.
header returns 404 w ...
Category: General
dude, this is incredibly huge and I feel like not a single solution has even been suggested. The header for all the previous "core" joomla 1.0 SEF urls have a header which returns 404 even though you can still reach the content via a backlinks plugin.
backward compatibili ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
starting to think joomsef is incorrectly setting the header to 404 for all my previous SEF links

is a sef link set up via the default core SEF component in Joomla 1.0. It's able to find the content regardless via the legacy backlinks plugin yet for some reason the header is regarding this page as 404 despite the content being displayed.

Is there anyway to set up a universal redirect which will forward this article to the correct url? I find it hard to believe that we're the only ones who've experienced this issue.
header returns 404 w ...
Category: General
hi, i've recently migrated our site over to Joomla 1.5; everything looked like it was running smoothly until our google webmaster tool reported about 1450 broken (404) links. We currently only have about 1280 indexed so I did some digging and found that the headers are somehow broken. Here's an example someone from another form pointed out to me -->

as you can see from the link; the page will pull up correctly however the header is returning a 404 error. How would I go about correcting this before our pages are de-indexed? Thanks in advance for your help, I'm seriously at a loss with how to correctly handle this.

thought it was also important that I mention the backlinks plugin has been enabled as well joomsef; both(appear?) to be functioning correctly
header returns 404 w ...
Category: General
nvm, just had to exclude the source(itemid. you where right :P
News Show GK3 not li ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

It's a pretty popular module, I'd be surprised if there where no support for it.
News Show GK3 not li ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
still no luck, I actually tried messing with the settings already since I noticed that when viewing the same article under Alphacontent, the link will append a -2 at the end which I had assumed was a duplicate. Unfortunately, the duplicate is the only one which functions correctly. I'm running out of ideas :/
News Show GK3 not li ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi, I've been working on my site for a few weeks I've run into a problem with JoomSEF.

Basically, the front page consists of a few News Show GK3 modules which display articles from various categories, they're already set to be visible from the Home Page "only". Just below them is where i decided to place <jdoc:include type="component" />. Each menu item links to an Alpha Content component which allows me to organize the articles. It was working fine until I installed JoomSEF. Whenever it's enabled I've noticed that clicking on any of the News Show GK3 modules will drop the user back onto the exact same page except with the article itself loaded into the <jdoc:include type="component" />. This will "only" happen if I enable JoomSEF; everything else including Alpha Content is functioning correctly. I'm currrently using Alpha Content v4.0.7 as well as the latest version of JoomSEF. Any ideas would be appreciated, thanks.
News Show GK3 not li ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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