I am waiting for the BookIt 2.1 release, that was planned for the second half of May. But I see today that the 2.0.6 version was released.
I created this new topic because the other one is locked:
I wanted to buy the paid version, but how long do I have to wait again?
Kind regards,
Turn off price funct ...
Posted 11 years, 9 months ago
by rvbgnu
Thank you for your reply.
Yes, I am sure, no existing bookable item.
But I just put back "Debug language" to No, and tried again. It is now working!!
And I have just tested installation and bookable item creation on another dev website, and it worked ok... without changing the language files!!
So I don't know what was wrong, and it is very annoying: if the error come back later, we still don't know why!! Php version? deprecated code?
Then I am getting back to complete my tests.
Kind regards,
Sync or import with ...
Posted 11 years, 10 months ago
by rvbgnu
Hi maju,
I wish I could, but I am testing on XAMPP (local server) and the extranet is on a private network... Am I getting stuck here?
Sync or import with ...
Posted 11 years, 10 months ago
by rvbgnu
Just checking now. I've put the debug language. Note that I am using en-GB by default in back end and front end.
All the four book-it language files .ini have parsing errors, according to the Debug language. A lot of key strings have space " " or period "." instead of underscore "_", this is what is causing so many parsing errors.
I stripped most of the .ini files to remove the parsing errors, and kept the dates strings. Now I have none of the parsing issues.
Then the date appears more properly:
But still, same error, I cannot create a bookable item... IT seems like it is not a translation issue.
It prevents me to complete my test, so I can not recommend it to my customers. Are you able to reproduce the problem, or do you request more details?
Kind regards,
Sync or import with ...
Posted 11 years, 10 months ago
by rvbgnu
Ok, I understand that I can change the date format in the component. But how did this happen in the first place?
I just installed book it 2.0.2, and started to play around with it.
It is the same XAMMPP install that I used for many projects, and I did not change anything related to date in the PHP params. I try again from a fresh Joomla install, and same thing: in Book It 2 control panel, I have this for date:
Did you have this kind of error before?
Sync or import with ...
Posted 11 years, 10 months ago
by rvbgnu
Hi again,
So I can set all the fields "No hide", and see if it is ok.
I will try once I can get ride of this error on the screen (but nothing in the logs file), while creating a new bookable item from a template:
500 - An error has occurred.
DateTime::__construct() [datetime.--construct]: Failed to parse time string (ThuAMUTCE_May+0000RMayAMUTC_0+0000411) at position 0 (T): The timezone could not be found in the database
and I have this bizarre date/time in the control panel as well:
This is free version with objects count limited to 2
. Buy full version
ARTIO Booking
Version: 2.0.2
Date: FriAMUTCE_April+0000RAprAMUTC_5+0000RAprAM0
Copyright: Copyright (C) 2013 ARTIO
I am on my local XAMPP:
Part of the message is hidden for the guests. Please log in or register to see it.
Any idea?
Sync or import with ...
Posted 11 years, 10 months ago
by rvbgnu
All right, thank you 8-)
For extension updates, I will check inside the component then...
Have a nice afternoon!
Turn off price funti ...
Posted 11 years, 10 months ago
by rvbgnu
Sorry, too fast posting.
My question about RSS was not for the extension, but generally on your website artio.net.
Apologises not to have specify this.
Turn off price funti ...
Posted 11 years, 10 months ago
by rvbgnu
Thank you maju,
Appreciate the clear answer. And I am looking forward for an updated documentation (it does make a big difference for corporate users).
I will probably manage without documentation for while, and if I'm stuck, I will come back on the forum!
By the way, I could not find any RSS feed, in order to be updated when a new release is available. And same thing in the "newsflash" section, no feed. Did I miss something?
Kind regards,
Turn off price funti ...
Posted 11 years, 10 months ago
by rvbgnu
Hi Maju,
Thank you for your quick reply, really appreciate it.
I am glad to see this feature nearly implemented. If it is a matter of one or two weeks, my client will probably wait, while starting to setup the component and familiar with it, as there is no English documentation yet. But I supposed most of the settings are similar to version 1. When do you plan to have an English version of the documentation?
Enjoy the week-end!
Kind regards,
Turn off price funti ...
Posted 11 years, 10 months ago
by rvbgnu
Hi again,
I want to buy Book it v2 for an internal website (extranet). Only registered users can access it, and they are not "customers" but colleagues. Your extension will be used to book resources for meeting, with different rooms and facilities: laptops, projectors, etc...
Is it possible to sync or import book it customers with existing Joomla users, as it will be the same people? They will not need to register as customers, and no payments is requested too!
And I tried to install the free version but I get an error 500 when creating an object from a template.
Do you have demo for v2?
Kind regards,
Sync or import with ...
Posted 11 years, 10 months ago
by rvbgnu
I am about to buy Book It v2, but disable payment and the relevant checkout process is crucial for me, as it will be used on an internal website (network protected and registered users only).
Is the Free reservations are still on the way? Will it change the checkout process, to make as simple as possible?
Kind regards,
Turn off price funti ...
Posted 11 years, 10 months ago
by rvbgnu
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