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Profile for rnoppert

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
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Installed the update, but it didn't change anything, so we still have the same issue.


Wrong tax percentage ...
Category: Customer Support

I've made and attached a screenshot of the Virtuemart oder, where you can see the tax percentage for the order is 21%. Could it be the case VMinvoice recalculates the tax percentage for each product based on the wrong fields, since a discount applies for each product on the order? I haven't checked the database yet, but expect to find the same information as displayed on the screenshot.


Wrong tax percentage ...
Category: Customer Support
PDF files were denied, so attached a Zip file for both.....
Wrong tax percentage ...
Category: Customer Support

The attached invoice LQ-0188.pdf is the invoice containing wrong information. In the Netherlands we have a 21% VAT TAX rate, which is used properly by Virtuemart, but ARTIO VMInvoice changes the TAX rate for some reason.

The attached invoice LQ-0221.pdf is an invoice containing correct information, so the 21% VAT is used in Virtuemart, but also works fine in ARTIO VMInvoice.

We haven't been able to find out why the two invoices are different, since both invoices are based on the same configuration. The only thing we could come up with is a bug in VMInvoice!?


Wrong tax percentage ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi guys,

Can someone help me here, since we have a serious issue, not allowing us to send invoices to customers. Some invoices are calculated and displayed with the correct tax percentage, but others fail to mention the correct tax percentage and subtotals. I'm not able to attach any attachments to the topic, but can send them via email if necessary.

Thanks in advance!


Wrong tax percentage ...
Category: Customer Support
Adding the invoice does not work for some reason. Can I send it via mail?
Wrong tax percentage ...
Category: Customer Support

Purchased vminvoice for a Virtuemart based webshop, but we experience some issues with the tax percentages and subtotal per product on the invoice. When a customer purchases discounted products in the webshop, the tax percentage on the invoice is not 21% as configured in Virtuemart, but shows 14,7%. The subtotal with discount per product even shows stranger amounts. I've attached an invoice (Dutch, but you should be able to determine what's wrong with the percentages and amounts).

Versions of the software used:
Joomla 2.5.11
Virtuemart 2.0.18a
VMinvoice 2.0.25

Any suggestions what could be wrong?


Wrong tax percentage ...
Category: Customer Support

Is it possible to use the shopper mailadres as the from adres in the mail configuration? If possible I want the name to always display the company name, but the address to be the customer email adres.


Mail configuration
Category: Customer Support

Since the latest update of VM Invoice we noticed the PDF invoice is not created properly. The control panel shows the PDF image, but pressing the image we get an error: TCPDF ERROR: [Image] Unable to get image: /home/sites/site708/web/tmp/VM%20Facturen/mska_51ec2e054ff5554bbdc0d3e7a10d9622. In the tmp directory I noticed all PDF invoices prior to the update are available, but not the latest invoice, which should have been created. We have not changed any settings, images on the invoice template or any other configuration.

Please advice what to do!


TCPDF ERROR: [Image] ...
Category: Customer Support

When reviewing several invoices from VM Invoice, I noticed the subtotal of each invoice line is not correct. An example invoice is attached (Bodyquest_invoice.pdf), but if I add the three subtotals from the invoice lines, it doesn't match the total invoice value. The total invoice value is correct, but it seems the VAT calculation goes wrong, but I haven't been able to figure out why!?

I have also seen the shipping cost can sometimes be displayed wrong. In VirtueMart €2,50 is configured, but the invoice shows €2,49. An example for this is also attached (Bodyquest_invoice_shipping.pdf). I've played with the Tax Rate Tolerance and Product tax and subtotal fields, but that doesn't seem to affect the invoice values.

What am I doing wrong, or is this a bug in VM Invoice?



P.S. I wasn't allowed to attach the example PDF files, but can of course send them to you if requested. Please let me know if you need them to verify.
Invoices from VM Inv ...
Category: Customer Support
No problem. Thanks for the quick reply. I noticed a clean install of the product does display version 2.0.1 is installed!


VM Invoice upgrade f ...
Category: Customer Support

After upgrading to version 2.0.0 I've had several issues, but now the upgrade functionality does not work anymore!? Because version 2.0.1 is now available I've pressed the "Upgrade from ARTIO Server" button, which results in a successfull upgrade, but Joomla still reports the installed version is 2.0.0. A screenshot of the versions is attached.

After the initial upgrade to vesion 2.0.0 i couldn't create PDF invoices anymore, but pressing the upgrade button to upgrade to 2.0.1 seem to have done something, since I am able to create PDF invoices now. I'm not sure if I can just uninstall the current com_vminvoice and reinstall the latest version, without loosing al the orders and invoices, or should I always use the upgrade function (which doesn't seem to work now)?

I have Joomla 1.5.25 and VirtueMart 1.1.7 installed.

Thanks in advance!


VM Invoice upgrade f ...
Category: Customer Support
I just noticed the issue only occurs using Mozilla Firefox. It does work in Internet Explorer!?

Apologies for the mixed information, but it is a minor issue for me now.
Registration of the ...
Category: Customer Support

I just purchased the VM Invoice product, but am not able to register the download ID within the component!? I can enter the ID, but pressing the save button nothing happens. Can you please assist or let me know what the issue could be?

I also noticed the save button doesn't work for anything!? Trying to save any configuration for the component doesn't work. I'm building a new webshop based on Joomla 1.5.25 and VirtueMart 1.1.9, using the GavickPro YourShop template and all template related components (K2, JComments). The site is currently accessible using the IP address only, since the domain is currently in use for the old live site.

Thanks in advance.


Registration of the ...
Category: Customer Support
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