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Profile for prehn

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I also need a version for VM3.x and Joomla 3.x
Support VM3
Category: Feature Requests
Hi there,

When a customer uses a coupon in my store the VAT gets wrong, it seems to have no effect on the vat if a customer uses a coupon. if my price on a product is 600 swedish krona and the VAT for this product is 25% = 120 swedish krona. After that i add a coupon which gives the customer 100 swedish krona then the total vat should be 100 swedish krona. This is getting right in Virtuemart, but not in my invoice, which give me the total vat 120 swedish krona. What is wrong, and how do i fix this?! it seems to skip the vat for the coupon that should be 20%.

Hope you could help me with this asap because my shop is live.
VAT is wrong when us ...
Category: Customer Support
"Recalculate price" ...
Category: Customer Support

Is it possible to create an delivery note without creating an invoice first? I dont want to be forced to create an invoice with an invoice number to create an delivery note.
Create DN without cr ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi, im using VM invoice version 2.0.17 and VM version and the latest version of virtuemart.
"Recalculate price" ...
Category: Customer Support

Ehen i edit an order from VM Invoice and then hit the "recalculate price" to get the correct price my invoice get messed up. All attributes on the invoice is replaced with text that looks like this ""2863":" Lagervara Omgu00e5ende

How can i fix this? I have to be able to edit my orders
"Recalculate price" ...
Category: Customer Support

I have a problem with maturity days, when i change the invoice date the maturity date wont update, and i cant seem to change it manually.

How can i fix this, it's pretty urgent to get this solved. cos i change invoicedat allot, and then the maturity date have to be correct.
How to update Maturi ...
Category: Customer Support
I need some help with VM Invoice.

In my virtuemart i dont want to show any decimals in the product price, so i have turned decimals off.

But in the invoice its very important that the vat is displayed without any rounding and with decimals. But i cant get this to work.

I have virtuemart 2.0.14 and VM Invoice 2.0.20. I have set "Tax Summary use rounded values" to "No" but it has no effect at all.

Its required by swedish government to declare the full VAT so it cant be rounded in the invoice.
Do not round VAT in ...
Category: Customer Support
Same for me!

Once an invoice is generated, you cant display it again, the it's just the delivery note. Also the fix for the Custom Drop Plugin dont work correctly, its only shows some numbers (think those numbers is the fields ID) instead of the values in the drop down, so the new update basically didn't fixed or added anything improved but more bugs and problems.

Have some pissed of customers right now.
PDF Invoice not work ...
Category: Customer Support
Is almost works, its just that its still adds values from empty fields, the fields thats been left empty dosent show but the id's of the fields shows up, look at the attached image, there is the item name, followd by the id numbers of the two empty fields 70 and 71 and then the correct values comes.

Hope you could help me with this asap
Custom Plugin attrib ...
Category: Customer Support
I have tried to get an answer for exactly the same problem for the last three weeks but i've heard nothing from Artio yet.
Custom Plugin attrib ...
Category: Customer Support
Hello?!?! Are you all gone, three weeks have gone now, and still no real answer.

Is this how you treat your paying customer? Are the support none existing? If this is a problem thats not in VM Invoice, you could at least tell me.

I use alot of your joomla components on my customers sites, now i guess i will have to look for other options.
Wrong translation wi ...
Category: Customer Support
It's been over an week since i asked this question, i really need this to get fixed. The lables is correct printed in Virtuemarts built in invoice system, but not in VM invoice.
Wrong translation wi ...
Category: Customer Support
Wrong translation wi ...
Category: Customer Support
No, its not made for VM Incoice, its made for Virtuemart and is an custom field type, but the cart variation values is still gonna be printed in invoice template right?. The values gets correct printed in the VM Invoice, but not the labels, like Color and Size.
Wrong translation wi ...
Category: Customer Support

Just installed an cart variation plugin named "custom drop down" works like an charm and looks nice, but when i creates an invoice and looks at the attributes for the products, the plugins labels dont get printed correctly and it looks like this on the invoice: "custom_drop: Red" instead of "Color: Red" as it should look like. It works great with VMs built in invoice manager, but not with Artio VM Invoice.

Hope you could help me with this asap.
Wrong translation wi ...
Category: Customer Support
Thanks, i will dive right into it.
Edit attributes and ...
Category: Customer Support
1. Just to clarify, i want the attributes to be shown at the same row as the titel, have tried to make it float left, but its still shown as a list on different rows for each attributes.

2. When i say summary fields i mean that i want both taxes summary and total summary to be shown at the same row.
Edit attributes and ...
Category: Customer Support
Edit attributes and ...
Category: Customer Support

Just wonder what file i need to edit to get the attributes on the invoice to display in one row, and delete the attribute lables.

Also i want to know were i can edit the summary fields in the bottom of the invoice, like taxes fields, and total fields, i wnat those to display on one rove.

Hope you could help me with this asap.
Edit attributes and ...
Category: Customer Support
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