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Profile for Plieka

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 23:25
  • Posts: 4
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I have the paid version of Joomsef and I'm using the Sitemap at the moment and I run in to a memory issue on the server. in the past this has never been the case but now??

PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 3940353 bytes) in /var/www/vhosts/ domainname /httpdocs/libraries/joomla/utilities/buffer.php on line 66, referer: www. domainname /administrator/index.php?option=com_sef&controller=sitemap

why does it need so much memory and is there an option to use compression or cache

Sitemap memory issue
Category: JoomSEF 3

I have a weird issue with clicking good links but getting a blank page.

I have Joomla Articles with links to Virtuemart items and the page goes blank
- if i go to the product via the virtuemart categories using the same path of the original link I do get to see the product.
- after I opened the item once most of the time the original link in the Joomla article starts working as-well

most products are added to many categories like workshops:

Same issue when using the Virtuemart modules for showing newly added products and so on the standard modules.
Very often the links do not work eventough when you follow the exact same path of the link you do get to see the product.

What can go wrong??
please help.

try the links in this document maybe one will show up blank for you to

or this page:
Blank page in Virtue ...
Category: Extensions
Hi I want to upgrade the extension virtuemart 2.018 to 2.0.19 and I get an error on my download ID.

It worked fine on the 17th of February so why not now. My license is still active so no problem there

thanks for a quick response because I have enough issues with the updates of late.

Double links, functionality that disappears hope this VM update solves some of that.

upgrade virtuemart_e ...
Category: JoomSEF

When I go into [Show 404 Log] i have the option to [Export all Filtered]
a message-box pops up and you get the option to dowload the file to a folder.

the file it presents is a .sql file and this schoul be a csv?

the code starts with
 INSERT INTO `jam_sefurls` (cpt, sefurl, origurl, Itemid, metadesc, metakey,

J 1.5.13
VM 1.1.3
Artio: 3.3.2

SEF Extension Installed version
Glossary 2.0.1
Search 2.0.3
VirtueMart 2.0.2
Issue: Export All Fi ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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