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Profile for payon

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 20:01
  • Posts: 12
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Hello Dajo,

sorry for my late response. But I was on holidays, and did not get a chance to try your modification. Anyhow, I did today, and still it does not work, but shows me the same results.

This is also the reason, why I would like you to refund the money for the exntension. As it does not work, and I do not have rerally time, and i do not like to be a beta tester, when I paid for it.

I already sent an message via paypal to you.

Sorry :(
SobiPro JoomSEF 3 ex ...
Category: Extensions

yesterday I bought the SobiPro extension for JoomSEF 3 and it does not work!

Joomla version: 1.5.26
SobiPro Version: 1.0.7
ArtioJoomSEF: 3.9.8
SobiPro Joomsef ext.: 2.1.0

The URLs i get are like
So no categories or entries are shown, instead I get always directory.html?sid=XXX

The plugin is activated (As handler Joomsef extension is selected)

So pls help me, otherwise, I would like to have my money back!

Best regards
SobiPro JoomSEF 3 ex ...
Category: Extensions
your Kunena extension doesn't work with the new Kunena version. When will you update/modify this?

Best regards
Kunena 2.0
Category: Extensions

any news here? I new the plugin urgently.

Kunena 2.0.0
Category: Extensions

I have a question concerning the Artio 4 Kunena 1.7 extension. I realised that it does not have any tab menu for Meta tags.
And so the component extension does not generate any meta tags, when using it. The meta tag fileds for description and keywords are blank.

Can you include this option, because Kunena component usually creates meta tags, as far as I remember.

Best regars
Kunena 1.7 for Artio ...
Category: Extensions
Thanks a lot fro your answer. Could you post here, when you finished the modification?

Thanks a lot!
Adsmanger 2.6.5 for ...
Category: Extensions
Thanks a lot for the answer. I will try this option
Category: JoomSEF 4

today I bought the new extension for Adsmanager 2.6.5, and I just realised, that the URLs are built following a new logic. But this differs from the last versions, which brings me a little bit in trouble, as I have manually to modify more than 2000 entries.
So maybe you can help me. I give an example:

The old extensions are creating the following SEF URLs:
For category:
For entry:

The new one creates the following:
For category:
For entry:

So this is a big problem. And all old URLs should be modifed manually. Hopefully you can help me here.
Adsmanger 2.6.5 for ...
Category: Extensions
Hi, I have a problem, that e. g. when using Kunena extension, Artio is creating the following SEF URLS in the database for each post:

category/test-post/moderate.html index.php?option=com_kunena&catid=10&do=moderate&func=post&Itemid=148
werbung/test-post/moderatethread.html index.php?option=com_kunena&catid=10&do=moderatethread&func=post&Itemid=148
category/test-post/quote.html index.php?option=com_kunena&catid=10&do=quote&func=post&Itemid=148
category/test-post/reply.html index.php?option=com_kunena&catid=10&do=reply&func=post&Itemid=148
category/test-post/report.html index.php?option=com_kunena&catid=10&func=report&Itemid=148
category/test-post/sticky.html index.php?option=com_kunena&catid=10&do=sticky&func=post&Itemid=148
category/test-post/subscribe.html index.php?option=com_kunena&catid=10&do=subscribe&func=post&id=5452&Itemid=148

But I do only want to have the post itself in the database, not all of the clicking options. So for reply, report etc. there shouldn't be any built SEF URL in the data base, as this directly increases tenfold the database entries for each post.

So I tried to exclude these URLs from SEF generation by adding "func=post;func=report"
1. to extension --> kunena --> common --> Custom non-SEF variables
2. to extension --> kunena --> common --> Do not SEF URLs matching regular expression

But still these SEF URLs are generated, and are stored in the database, so what is wrong?
It would be very helpful to get your feedback.

Best regards

Category: JoomSEF 4

only an extension for Artio 3 is available. But an extension for Artio 4 is missing. When do you plan to publish one?

I guess many mtree & Artio users would appreciate this!

Thanks a lot.

Best regards
Mosets Tree 2.2 for ...
Category: Extension Requests
Hi David,

thank you for your reply. Actually there weren't any URL in URL View/Edit. So I decided to deinstall and install again.
And I fixed the error. He couldn't intall the JoomSEF Artio Plugin. So I installed in manually and now Artio is running.

BUT Artio is running with errors. Wehn Artio is active, I have on several places on my site the following text:
string(162) "INSERT INTO `#__redirection` (`oldurl`, `newurl`, `Itemid`) VALUES ('frontpage/rss.html', 'index.php?option=com_content&format=feed&type=rss&view=frontpage', '1')" string(164) "INSERT INTO `#__redirection` (`oldurl`, `newurl`, `Itemid`) VALUES ('frontpage/atom.html', 'index.php?option=com_content&format=feed&type=atom&view=frontpage', '1')"

So what is it? And how to fix it?
Artio and Fireboard
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi Support Team,

I installed
- Joomla 1.5.3 (legacy mode)
- Fireboard 1.0.4
- Artio SEF 3.1.1


Fireboard SEF extension 2.0.0 for Artio 3.1.x from Michal

Now when I activate all, he shows me by clicking a thread for example;id=157&catid=12

Where is the mistake?

Best regards,

Artio and Fireboard
Category: JoomSEF 3
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