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Profile for pawan.kumar

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 20:14
  • Posts: 5
  • Profile Views: 2957
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Hi Sir,

I have found the chart margins params and there are left margin,right margin,top margin and bottom margins in pixels ...canvas padding not found there.
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Category: FusionCharts
Yes, I am sure this is joomla artifusion charts component for version 3.2 and 'Upload files' are our custom section. If you check the category then it will show you milti series->zoon line accordingly.

Please follow the last screen shot and focus on that chart type.
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Category: FusionCharts
Hi Sir,

Please find the attchment for understand my concern and provide your observation accordingly.
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Category: FusionCharts

Please find the attachment for understand my concern and provide your observation accordingly.
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Category: FusionCharts
Hi Sir,

There is an issue for display the dataset labels with their values on chart view.. Actually i am using joomla 3.2 with artifusion chart component and set the zoom line properties from administrator but if we set DISPLAYSTARTINDEX = 14 then it will display all dataset with their values, but the last index values is not visible completely.. Please suggest me what should i do for this problem.
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Category: FusionCharts
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