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Profile for patbe60

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
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  • Posts: 13
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Copying the query and run in PHPMyAdmin didn't help. I also got there the problem.

It works now for me. It seems that there were problems between the different types InnoDB and MyISAM.
After making a migration with jupgrade from J 1.5 to J 1.7 I could install Joomsef without problems.
Can't install Joomse ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
When trying to install Joomsef 4.0.9 on a new Joomla 1.7 I get the following error message:

JInstaller: :Install: Error SQL DB-Funktion mit Fehlercode 1146 fehlgeschlagen!

Table 'dbname.jos_sefurls' doesn't exist SQL=CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `jos_sefurls` …

I don't have any problems with installations of other components.

I tried also to install Joomsef 4 on an Joomla 1.7 which was updatet from Joomla 1.6 and didn't have these problems.

May be somebody could help me to solve this problem? Thank you
Patrik Bernhard
Can't install Joomse ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

I have checked now the differences between Joomsef version 3.7.0 and 3.7.1

When I replace the follwing code from the new version in joomsef.php:

if ((empty($code) || !JLanguage::exists($code))) {

(line 844)

with the code from the previous version:

if ($redir && (empty($code) || !JLanguage::exists($code))) {

(line 711)

the language will not be set to default when checking out, it remains in the selected language.

BTW: I don't agree with your comment:

// removed && $redir - it was not possible to switch language to main language
// on other page than homepage (let's see if it causes any other problem)

I never had problems in version 3.7.0
virtuemart and joomf ...
Category: Extensions
patbe60 wrote:

After installing Joomsef 3.6.0 the checkout of Virtuemart 1.1.4 (I bought sef extension version 2.0.19) doesn't work properly combined with joomfish 2.0.4:

When choosing the english version (german is default language) the language changes from english into german when checking out. No chance to check out in english. The rest of the shop works without problems in both languages. I didn't have these problems with sef version 3.5.5.

Finally this problem was solved with Joomsef version 3.7.0. and VM plugin 2.30 and VM 1.1.5

BUT: It started again with the new release 3.7.1!! I don't understand this!!


tested on live site (php 5.2.9) and local environment (php 5.3.2) both Jommla 1.5.20
virtuemart and joomf ...
Category: Extensions
On the server it seems not to be fixed. So I downloaded it from my account. This works fine.
Upgrade from Joomsef ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
As the title says, the upgrade from Joomsef 3.6.5 to 3.6.6 is not working. When clicking the "Upgrade from ARTIO server" I get the following message:

You have uploaded the package with same version as your current JoomSEF, reinstall instead of upgrade has been initiated

Upgrade from Joomsef ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
may be this can be solved when they find a solution for the "main-language" problem. but anyway, your index site of your website works also when you type the language prefix only appears after a next click.

You may also rename the site in Joomsef URL manager. then your index site will always appear without the language prefix.
virtuemart and joomf ...
Category: Extensions
Yes, I,m talking about The new version 3.6.2 needs still the "none" setting. the reason to use a default language is, that the langugage will not appear in the URL. If e.g. my main language is German and I use this setting, my URL looks like when I switch with Joomfish into english the URL is

virtuemart and joomf ...
Category: Extensions
No, also on your site it switches during the checkout process back to the main language! I tried this by ordering an item using german language. when I check out it switches back to english.


Edit: also not working with 3.6.2 I still need to set main language to none.
virtuemart and joomf ...
Category: Extensions
The search engine problem is only between Joomfish and Virtuemart, it also happens when SEO is turned off.
virtuemart and joomf ...
Category: Extensions
The problem is caused by the setting in the control panel -> configuration -> Joomfish -> Main language: German. If I choose "none" it works fine.
virtuemart and joomf ...
Category: Extensions
I couldn't do it neither. So I did login in the shop and redownload the extension and did get version 2.0.19.
Upgrade VirtueMart J ...
Category: Extensions

After installing Joomsef 3.6.0 the checkout of Virtuemart 1.1.4 (I bought sef extension version 2.0.19) doesn't work properly combined with joomfish 2.0.4:

When choosing the english version (german is default language) the language changes from english into german when checking out. No chance to check out in english. The rest of the shop works without problems in both languages. I didn't have these problems with sef version 3.5.5.

Could someone help me please?

Thank you

virtuemart and joomf ...
Category: Extensions
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