It works!!!!! Jipiiiiiiii!!!!
Thank you!!!
[SOLVED]This compone ...
Posted 13 years, 12 months ago
by partypapst
It works!!!!! Jipiiiiiiii!!!!
[SOLVED]This compone ...
Posted 13 years, 12 months ago
by partypapst
Hey Sam,
ui, difficult to explain. i try!
1. i print my labels in virtuemart, not vm invoice! it's the order overview!
2. the order.order_label.php is the file you have to configure like you want it - you can individualise your label and delivery note - but you have to understand PHP and HTML
3. you have to put the file order.order_list.php and order.post_label.php in the direction (administrator/components/com_virtuemart/html
the order.order_list.php is already existing, so overwrite it. the images to (images/M_images)
I use stickers they are only in the upper half of an din a4 sheet, the stickers are Din a5! So i print on one paper the sticker in the upper half, stick it on my din a5 envelope and put the rest of the sheet as delivery note into it.
Very easy!
Missing Features
Posted 13 years, 12 months ago
by partypapst
Hey Sam,
you can individualise it. i use din a4 labels from dhl. in the upper half i have an sticker for the adresslabel and in the lower half i print the delivery note. but if you use it in another way, no problem, you can change the file as you want it! I have a second page that i print where i say hello to my customers with a lot of informations and some news about products... very individual. look at the attachment!
Hope it will be good for you.. it is so easy to handle!
Missing Features
Posted 13 years, 12 months ago
by partypapst
Hello Jan!
to 3) I have the same problem!!! Since your Update 1.4.2 to 1.4.3 the shopkeeper didn't get an eMail!
First i was in contact with michal unzeitig, a member of artio, but he didn't had a solution for the problem.
So it's not a problem with the configuration! It's a problem with VM Invoice!
[SOLVED]This compone ...
Posted 13 years, 12 months ago
by partypapst
Hi Sam,
do you use virtuemart? Than labelprinting is very easy and you can send the vm invoice automatically when you change the order status.
I have made a little change in the virtuemart, so i can easily print labels.
Missing Features
Posted 13 years, 12 months ago
by partypapst
Hello everybody!
After a long search, i have the answer to one of the problems! The language problem!!!
It's the file: administrator/components/com_vminvoice/helpers/invoicehtml.php
There are all the annoying english words (INVOICE, Invoice date .... and VARIABLE SYMBOL!!!!!).
I don't know why the system don't like german when it's send automatically, but when you change the english words in german in this file, there's no problem for the automatic and the manual send invoices!
But the second problem is still there...NO EMAIL to the shopkeeper!!!!
Someone an idea?
2 Problems: Language ...
Posted 13 years, 12 months ago
by partypapst
hm.. komisch. bei mir hat es auf anhieb funktioniert. allerdings nutze ich es momentan auch nicht, denn es ist ja auf englisch.... deshalb manuelles versenden...
ich kann es nur einfach nicht verstehen.. also mein kopf will das nicht verstehen...
automatisches versenden... email genau gleiche inhalte, alles identisch... felder usw.. englisch..
manuelles versenden ... deutsch...?????
2 Problems: Language ...
Posted 14 years ago
by partypapst
Das automatische versenden hat bei mir Anfangs auch nicht funktioniert. Du musst das "autoplugin" deinstallieren und erneut installieren. So hat es zumindest bei mir funktioniert. Probier das mal aus. Oder versendest Du über cronjobs? Damit kenn ich mich nicht aus.
Aber wie gesagt, "System - VirtuemartAutorun" deinstallieren, neuinstallieren.
Anyone an idea about DannyWoo and my Problems???
2 Problems: Language ...
Posted 14 years ago
by partypapst
sonst hab ich keine Probleme, funktioniert alles einwandfrei...
ausser halt automatischer Versand auf englisch, bei manuellem versand problemlos auf deutsch.
Und die eMail an den "shopkeeper" will seit einem Update (1.4.3) nicht mehr funktionieren.
Alles andere hab ich richtig gut eingestellt und auch noch die Sprachdateien angepasst.
2 Problems: Language ...
Posted 14 years ago
by partypapst
Hello again!
i speak german ;-)
My joomla is german! i changed the vm invoice english files to german... but the automatic sended invoices are in english!!! Where is the file for the automatic sended invoice?
now to the email problem...
one mail is send to the shopper and the other to my adress .... nothing... all other email functions work, only the email to my adress didn't work
Someone an idea?
2 Problems: Language ...
Posted 14 years ago
by partypapst
perhaps someone knows an answer:
When i send the invoices to the customers, i want it to my adress, too. But nothing happens, equal which configuration i tried. Send to Shopper and Shopkeeper, VM configuration, Invoice configuration, Joomla configuration... nothing... the customers gets the invoice, but it's not send to my adress at the same time... not a big problem, because i can print them in the backend, but it will be easier when they send out to my adress.
More important Problem!
Automatic Modus:
When i change the order status in virtuemart, VM Invoice sends the invoice, everything allright. But the invoice which is send is in english.
When i look in the VM Invoice in the Backend and click on the pdf button, it's german. When i send it new to the customers ... it's even german.
AND... when the customers look in their account on my site ... it's german!
BUT the important one which is sended automatically ... is in english!!!
I tried to change the fronted english language file in german... but it has no influence!
And i want to change the word: variable symbol ...
Any idea?
2 Problems: Language ...
Posted 14 years ago
by partypapst
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