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Profile for natastna2

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  • Posts: 25
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Fixed it through commenting line 210 of shop.browse.
Liimtstart not being ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi, I'm using Joomsef with the Virtuemart Extension and with the search engine friendly URLs, using the pagination works fine with limitstart and start being appended correctly. However, when I try and use pagination on pages that are not search-engine friendly nothing is appended.
The problem can be seen here:[0]=12%2F12+Photoperiod&product_type_1_Strain_comp=find_in_set_any&product_type_1_Strain[0]=Africa+and+Middle+East&product_type_1_Environment_comp=find_in_set_any&product_type_1_Environment[0]=Indoor

If i completely turn off joomsef the pagination works fine so I guess I just need to alter something. Thanks for your time in reading this.
Liimtstart not being ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
You want me to pay 3 euros to change my registered site URL from localhost for testing to my actual site? So there's no way of testing anything without paying this "admin" charge. That's completely ridiculous. I've already paid for the extension and I'd like to be able to use it without having to pay more money.
Unable to upgrade Vi ...
Category: General
The problem was fixed by unchecking fix index.php links in the joomsef advanced settings.
Paypal return URL be ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I have the virtuemart extension and I was testing it on localhost. Now I've gone live and I cannot upgrade it as it says it is registered to localhost only. Can I change this? Thanks, Ant.
Unable to upgrade Vi ...
Category: General
Hello. I'm using the latest joomla and virtuemart and I have the virtuemart extension for Joomsef but when I use Paypal it is unable to complete the transaction with Joomsef turned on as the URL it tries to reach is etc when it should be Is there a way I can tell Joomsef to leave this URL. Thanks for your time. Ant.
Paypal return URL be ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I've told Joomsef in content extension to see pagination as non-sef but it still seems to be messing with the pagination. If I change line 492 of pagination.php to $data->start->link = JRoute::_("&limitstart=1"); the start button works, but missing out the first item as the limitstart is 1 but when i put it as 0 Joomsef converts this in some way to start= whatever page im on. Is there any way to stop Joomsef from converting limitstart and start. I've tried adding them in as variables but nothing happens.
Joomsef Rapid Recipe ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi, changing the rapid recipe extension to default joomla handler solves the division by zero problem. However, with Joomsef disabled the pagination works fine but with it enabled I am unable to select page 1 or start. With it disabled the url for the start page is not start=0 but nothing. So I assume Joomsef is filling in that nothing with the same start number. Is there any way I can tell Joomsef to accept no limitstart once it has it. The problem can be seen on: Thanks, Ant.
Joomsef Rapid Recipe ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Yeah, didn't work. I'll give it another week and see if rapid recipe support come up with a solution. If not I'll just not SEF the pagination. Off topic a bit, but do you know if there'd be any difference SEO wise with pagination being SEO or does google not index page 1, page 2 etc.? Again, thanks for the help, it's invaluable :-)
Joomsef Rapid Recipe ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi Dave. Thanks for your reply. I've been in contact with Rapid Recipe support but they're being slow in helping me. I can add limit into Do not SEF URLs matching regular expression box in the extension manager for Rapid recipe and the pagination works fine. However, I'm not sure on what to put into the Custom non-SEF variables box, just putting limit and limitstart doesn't seem to do anything. I guess I need to add a symbol before the variable or seperate them with something. Could you please help me with what should be in that box? :-) I could just use the "do not sef box" but I was hoping to keep the category name in the URL which does not occur when I do not sef the links at all. Thanks again. Ant.
Joomsef Rapid Recipe ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi, I'm currently having a small problem with Joomsef and the Rapid Recipe extension pagination. If I choose to turn off Joomsef for the extension it works perfectly but the only thing that doesn't work with it enabled is the pagination. You can see the problem here

All of the pages link to page-0 and there seems to be no way to navigate. If anyone has any input on this problem I'd be much obliged. Thanks for your time. Ant.
Joomsef Rapid Recipe ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hello, have you tried contacting the Cherry Picker support about the jos_sefurl issue? I talked to him today about adding the filter names to the title and it works great. It's a little long to paste in here so if you email me I'll send you his emails.
More cherry picker w ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi, I'll be on MSN messenger as Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript . I will try and help.
More cherry picker w ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hello, I've nearly got everything working but going to the checkout section no longer takes me to a SEF url. I'm getting redirected added to the ends of my URLS. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Ant

itemid=redirected=1 ...
Category: Extensions
After a bit of research, I found that varchar now has a much greater limit so i ran the drop index first then changed the varchar to 10,000. No need to change to text. Anyway, to make this more easily searchable if you're having a problem with JoomSEF and Gart MD's Cherry Picker, change the origurl column to varchar 10,000 instead of 255. Thanks for all your help and advice. Ant.
More cherry picker w ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hello, I've tried running that, but I get #1091 - Can't DROP 'origurl'; check that column/key exists. I presume that's because the index has already been dropped.
I then try and change it from varchar to text and get

SQL query:

ALTER TABLE `jos_sefurls` CHANGE `origurl` `origurl` TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL

MySQL said: Documentation
#1170 - BLOB/TEXT column 'origurl' used in key specification without a key length
More cherry picker w ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I'm pretty sure this is a simple issue. If anyone could offer any information, I'd appreciate it. Thanks, Ant.
More cherry picker w ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hello, thanks for the help. I've dropped the index from the origurl column but am still getting the same message. I think it's just because I've never messed around with mysql before.

The settings I'm trying are

field origurl
type text
length/values 1000
default none
collation utf8_general_ci
and everything else is blank.

Am I being an idiot? Thanks again. Ant.
More cherry picker w ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I've just come across the same problem as you and was hoping you may have come across a solution. I tried the changing varchar 255 to text but I get
#1170 - BLOB/TEXT column 'origurl' used in key specification without a key length

If you could provide any help I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks, Ant.
chery picher
Category: Extensions
Hello again. I seem to be having the same problem as these guys and was wondering if there was any way I can get the Cherry Picker to work with more than 2 parameters at a time. It seems to be a problem with the varchar limit of 255. I've tried changing it to text as suggested but I'm getting :

#1170 - BLOB/TEXT column 'origurl' used in key specification without a key length

Thanks for your help and support. Ant.
More cherry picker w ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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