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Profile for mukcung

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  • Posts: 8
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Sorry, but I'm loosing my patience and must tell all Joomla's Users or Developers, and you will find it in many places after this about a very great support from Artio Team. As you've seen in my initial post, they proved if they have unbelievable gorgeous support with no feedback to a paid extension, really want to know about free extension support. I'm very grateful because not buying support option from them as well.

Very simple request Jan, refund our money or you will find a news about this everywhere (for sure).
Again, I don't care about the amount of money I've pay you but I didn't like being cheated like this, selling things that's not work and then silent forever. It's the same like you do deception.

Very unhappy customer.
JoomSEF 2 with Deep ...
Category: Extensions
Hi there, it's been a week and no feedback at all, any progress? Where I should send you the files?
JoomSEF 2 with Deep ...
Category: Extensions
Hi Jan, for Deep Pockets II version, I got in in developer website (just want to show you detailed info) and in Joomla it self, it only shown 2.0. To make it simple, we use latest available version in developer website.
Could you please provide me email address (I cannot figured out how to attach file in forum) then I send you detailed links information (generated by sitemap) for SEF and non SEF URLs, also a screen capture of the structure and JoomSEF extension itself.

I'm assure you if cache (has been disabled anyway) always cleaned and URLs purged when changing any configuration.If those information is not sufficient, I will upload our site therefore you can review it.

Other components working fine for SEF URLs, the site is in English.

Kind regards,

JoomSEF 2 with Deep ...
Category: Extensions
Hi Jan, thank you for your reply. I'm sorry but I didn't realize if it's a weekend (and we're only off on Sunday), therefore I felt if it's very slow responds from your side (and we're under pressure to completing the website and stuck only because of it). To show a good intention, I've edited my post.

Deep Pocket II (latest version 2.0b2.1 ) non SEF URLS examples:
newpog01/component/option,,10/Itemid,119/ (root category)
newpog01/component/option,,17/Itemid,119/ (sub category 1)
newpog01/component/option,,18/Itemid,119/ (child category of sub category 1)

Glossary (2.50.5) non SEF URLS examples:
newpog01/component/option,com_glossary/Itemid,123/ (index page)
newpog01/component/option,com_glossary/t.../glossid,1/letter,B/ (listing for letter B)
newpog01/component/option,com_glossary/id,6/ (item description page)

Additional information:
1. I've configured .htaccess file regarding provided documentation as well
2. I've disabled cache and always purge URLs after made a change

SEF URLs generated by Artio (2.3.2) with Deep Pockets mambot installed:
Deep Pocket:
newpog01/basics-9.html (root category)
newpog01/basics-11.html (sub category 1)
newpog01/basics-13.html (child category of sub category 1)

newpog01/vocabulary.html (index page)
newpog01/vocabulary/list-2.html (listing page)
newpog01/vocabulary-9.html (item description)

Let me know if you need other information, the site still in our local development area and not uploaded yet.


JoomSEF 2 with Deep ...
Category: Extensions
Wow, what a great support.... no feedback at all after few days (here or email) for paid extension?
Never mind, I just simply request refund from you and will notices all Joomla's developers or users worldwide about this great support from Artio.

Don't look down the price I've paid you, my point is you're not fair in doing business. If you felt your program deserve higher price, sell it in that price and give a support to your buyers. (Our mistake because didn't realize if it's weekend). We're apologize to Artio Team for the words.
JoomSEF 2 with Deep ...
Category: Extensions
Hi, I'm using Joomla 1.0.15 with Kunena 1.0.9 and latest version of JoomSEF 2 (2.3.3) installed (Kunena plug in as well). After Kunena plug in installed and enabled, I got this error when accessing my site (localhost):
Fatal error: Call to a member function getCfg() on a non-object in C:\xampp\htdocs\newpog01\components\com_kunena\lib\kunena.config.class.php on line 20

The error gone when exclude Kunena in JoomSEF configuration.
Please advice.


Kunena plugin causin ...
Category: Extensions
Hi, I just bought plug in for Deep Pockets II (DP) and testing it using JoomSEF free version (2.3.2) - just upgraded to 2.3.3 (but still the same) to see how it goes before purchase paid version and experiencing unexpected result with it. SEF URLs generated by the program is not better (even worst) before DP plug in installed.Before DP plug in installed, the URL are show-cat-01.html (or something like that) for all DP links and after installed it use the first category name for all DP links. For example, I have several root categories (all with several levels of sub categories) and the first category name is example. All links generated by Artio are example-1.html, example-2.html, and so on.

Please advice on how to configure Artio with DP plug in properly.
I'm using Joomla 1.0.15 with Deep Pockets II.

Another component that having the same behavior for generated URLs was Glossary (2.50.5), any advice?


JoomSEF 2 with Deep ...
Category: Extensions
Sorry, just re post it in paid extension area (didn't know about it before)
JoomSEF 2 with Deep ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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