I was wondering if anyone has extended JoomDoc to provide an approval functionality for when a document has been uploaded.
I have a client that needs the functionality of JoomDoc and we've installed, but they also require that the owner of the folder have the ability to approve a document which has been modified before it is published.
Does anyone know if this is possible and even allowed with JoomDoc?
And if so, any pointers on getting started?
Extending JoomDoc fo ...
Posted 11 years, 6 months ago
by Mudbream
I just paid for and downloaded JoomDoc.
I've installed it and files I upload into the root joomdoc directory work great - I can see/edit them on the frontend and backend.
However, I created a new directory in the backend below the root. I see the directory on the frontend and backend.
I can upload files to the new directory in both the frontend and backend.
However, I can only see the files in the backend - they do not show in the frontend.
I am logged in as Admin which has Superuser privileges so should be able to see/do everything.
It seems like some sort of permissions issue, but I'm not sure.
I'm new to this so if you have any idea's please let me know.
Files in New directo ...
Posted 11 years, 9 months ago
by Mudbream
In case anyone experiences the same thing - I have got this working.
I deleted my joomla install completely and reinstalled.
This time I made sure to chmod the entire directory to www-data after re-installing Joomla.
I then installed the Joomdoc extension and everything was fine after that.
So it may have been a permissions issue. I had changed only certain directories within Joomla to be www-data. Now all directories are www-data and it seems to be working fine.
Hope that helps someone else.
Documents not showin ...
Posted 11 years, 9 months ago
by Mudbream
First - the screenshot of the documents view in the Joomla backend.
Next - I found some errors in the apache log file (thank you for pointing out the location) when I try upload a document. See below.
I have managed to create another user, and create regular content, so I can write to the database.
I have been doing everything in the backend as the super user.
Hope this helps.
Documents not showin ...
Posted 11 years, 9 months ago
by Mudbream
Hi Thanks for your quick response.
I am running JoomDoc 3.4.4 with Joomla 2.5.
This might be a Noob question, but where would I find the logs.
I checked the database, and even though the files are being uploaded to the filesystem, they are not appearing in the database.
Any idea why that could be?
Documents not showin ...
Posted 11 years, 9 months ago
by Mudbream
New to Joomla and JoomDoc.
I've installed JoomDoc on a VirtualBox with Ubuntu Server running.
It all shows up fine in the Joomla backend and can upload documents from the backend, or the frontend.
These documents appear on the file system in Ubuntu, but do not appear in the backend or frontend.
I'm assuming it must be some sort of permissions thing.
I've changed my documents/ directory to 777 - this made no difference.
I've changed the permissions in JoomDoc for Admin to Allow everything. I'm logged in as Admin. This made no difference.
What am I missing? I'm assuming there must be some setting somewhere I've missed?
Documents not showin ...
Posted 11 years, 9 months ago
by Mudbream
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