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Profile for microcreations

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 01:00
  • Posts: 21
  • Profile Views: 5447
  • Location: Unknown
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Is there a way to insert a custom field(ex.: field_city) in category or item url? I've SobiPro extension for joomSef.
Add Custom Field in ...
Category: Extensions
I've the same problem, is there a solution now?
sobipro geomap modul ...
Category: Extensions
JoomSEF 4.3 error af ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Now that version 4.4 is out, trying to upgrade can I have the same problem with the ZOO extension?
JoomSEF 4.3 error af ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Thank you so much. Great!
JoomSEF 4.3 error af ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
any suggestion?
JoomSEF 4.3 error af ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
I do not want to give you fast. The problem is that my site is not working and 404 increase. Can you tell me an easy way to downgrade to version 4.2.9 without losing the configuration and redirects?
JoomSEF 4.3 error af ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
This is Joomla error log. I hope it will be useful. Now I have to enable the error log on the website because they were not.
JoomSEF 4.3 error af ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
I attach a screenshot where there are 2 versions of JoomSEF ... Is this normal?
JoomSEF 4.3 error af ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
After updating the component, the pages of my site are not rendered properly. I purged the cache and url but nothing changes. To operate the site have to disable the component. Unfortunately I did not make a backup copy before this update.

I realized after the upgrade that configuration.php is not writable. May have affected?

the website is
see the attachments to see before-after

Please help me :-(

Joomla 2.8
Apache 2.2.23
PHP 5.2.17
MySQL 5.5.23-55
JoomSEF 4.3 error af ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
How do I exclude from the filtered list URLs which I have already created a 301 Redirect?
Filter 404 log
Category: JoomSEF 4
I've also had the problem with ZOO Frontpage using multiple APPS.

I solved it using your solution:

To resolve this go to JoomSEF -> Manage Extensions -> Zoo -> Common tab and set the Ignore multiple sources option to "No".

But now when I run maintenance purging the SEF URL I'm a large number of duplicates in my Directory APP.

I am solving setting to "Ignore multiple sources option - ON" and recreating the URL. Later I set again to OFF.

There is a better solution in your opinion?
ZOO Frontpage Duplic ...
Category: Extensions
I had not seen that option. Thank you very much!
Menu URL management
Category: JoomSEF 4
OK, thanks for your support.
Exclude Google Numbe ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
JoomSEF creates the ULR sections of my website in a way that I do not like. After the domain name append the alias of the menu item and then the alias of the category, creating a url as you ca see in the screenshot.

How can I handle this?
Menu URL management
Category: JoomSEF 4
Can I exclude the Google Numbering for a specific category? I use the ZOO component with 2 APP. The first that I use for news on what I want to use the Google Numbering. The second is used for a directory, and then do not want the url using the Google Numbering.

Is there a way?
Exclude Google Numbe ...
Category: JoomSEF 4

It 'was my mistake configuration. I did not understand the process of installing JoomSEF plugin. It 's the first time I use this component. I hope that after all the first impression is more simple. Thanks for your support!
Google Numbering and ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Sorry, the 404 error is not generated by Widgetkit URL but by a section:
Google Numbering and ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
other screenshots
Google Numbering and ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
You're right!
Now the component seems to be configured correctly. Articles in Joomla are configured correctly as you can see at this url.

I use ZOO. I purchased the plugin and I do not know if it has been configured correctly. I am attaching the screenshot. However, the ZOO url are not rewritten correctly.


In addition the Widgetkit component generates a 404 error. :-/

Any suggestion? Thanks for your support :-)
Google Numbering and ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
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