I have tried different settings for the multiply by quantity etc. settings, but the result is the same.
This looks like a bug because when I filter out the whole day option so that only weekend reservation is available, then it will correctly show the weekend price and 3 days. If other price options are visible, it will show totally wrong price, and when I turn on an off different price alternatives it will change the booking in an unpredictable manner.
For example when I had two following weekends booked with only weekend price visible, and then turn on other price options, then it selected all weekdays daytime, thursday evening, the first weekend, and friday of the second weekend but not saturday and sunday. There is also lots of other strange behavior, and when I try deselecting days it will just show fix limit 3 error message.
Regardsless of any possible bad setup I have done, the booking calendar should not behave like this.
I can give you login to the site I am working on by pm or email so you can test this yourself. I can also help debug the problem if needed.
Weekend booking
Posted 10 years, 11 months ago
by michaelb
Ok, this solves the problem that I could select different start days. Now I can only select friday as start day, just as supposed to.
But, the total payable amount is still the weekend reservation + individual days friday and saturday but not sunday, ref. the screenshots. Is this a bug? Or do I need to configure it differently?
Weekend booking
Posted 10 years, 11 months ago
by michaelb
Can't use monthly calendar, because the booking options for the rest of the week is daytime 08-17 or evening 17-23. To allow this kind of booking I need hourly reservation types and week calendar display. Or are there any other options?
I can modify some code if you point me in the right direction...
Weekend booking
Posted 10 years, 11 months ago
by michaelb
Try again with new image links:
Joomla 3.2.3 with Artio Booking 2.2.5.
I have tried many variations, but my basic setup is this:
The customer should be able to book the whole house for the weekend at a discounted price.
Here are the reservation types for Hele grendehuset (whole house):
And here are the prices:
In the frontend, when I try to book, this happens:
Click on Bryllupspakke for friday:
As you see, it will also select friday and saturday whole day but not sunday. It feels right that these days are now marked as occupied, the problem is of course that the price calculated is for both the Bryllupspakke and Hel dag at a total of NOK12300 instead of NOK4500.
The other problem with this setup is that the user can select any of the days as starting day, like this (clicked Bryllupspakke sunday):
I have also tried to use hourly for the Bryllupspakke reservation type with time unit 1440 and fix limit 3 (if I select 3780 in time unit it wont show at all), but I cant get it to work like this either.
What can I do to make this work?
PS. I can modify some code if neccessary, I am familiar with PHP and Joomla component development.
Weekend booking
Posted 10 years, 11 months ago
by michaelb
Joomla 3.2.3 with Artio Booking 2.2.5.
I have tried many variations, but my basic setup is this:
The customer should be able to book the whole house for the weekend at a discounted price.
Here are the reservation types for Hele grendehuset (whole house):
And here are the prices:
In the frontend, when I try to book, this happens:
Click on Bryllupspakke for friday:
As you see, it will also select friday and saturday whole day but not sunday. It feels right that these days are now marked as occupied, the problem is of course that the price calculated is for both the Bryllupspakke and Hel dag at a total of NOK12300 instead of NOK4500.
The other problem with this setup is that the user can select any of the days as starting day, like this (clicked Bryllupspakke sunday):
I have also tried to use hourly for the Bryllupspakke reservation type with time unit 1440 and fix limit 3 (if I select 3780 in time unit it wont show at all), but I cant get it to work like this either.
What can I do to make this work?
PS. I can modify some code if neccessary, I am familiar with PHP and Joomla component development.
Weekend booking
Posted 10 years, 11 months ago
by michaelb
michaelb wrote:
...while whole day is available fri-sun...
Just to clearify, the prices are different for friday, saturday and sundays, so I cannot use the volume discount in the prices tab either (as far as I can see).
Weekend booking
Posted 10 years, 12 months ago
by michaelb
I am setting up a reservation system for a community house which has two rooms that can be rented for the day or the evening.
I've created reservation types day, evening, whole day and weekend. Day and evening is available mon-thu, while whole day is available fri-sun. So far so good.
What I can't get to work is the weekend booking. The customer should be able to book from fri-sun for a fixed price, which will of course overlap the fri-sun whole day (single day) alternatives. I tried to set weekend reservation type to daily and fix limit to 3, and this almost works except that in the calendar it will automatically select fri and sat whole day in addition to the weekend price, so the customer pays twice for the these days.
Also, the customer must select friday as starting day for this booking. With the fix limit the customer can still select sat, sun and then fri next week, which is wrong.
How can I do this?
Weekend booking
Posted 10 years, 12 months ago
by michaelb
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