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Profile for mibert

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
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  • Posts: 46
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I have already done so, after waiting for a long time in vain.
I moved to 4SEF and the migration worked at a glance.

Easy instruction can be found at

Best regards

JoomSEF and Joomla 4
Category: JoomSEF 4
Hi there,

in the meantime I am not convinced, that Artio will ever come up with a J4 solution.
My contact does not reply and this website has almost no more activity.
Its a bit pity to lose such powerful and long time history component.

If anyone here could help me with a suggestion of a good alternative, would be most appreciated.

Best regards

JoomSEF and Joomla 4
Category: JoomSEF 4
Good news!
I got feedback from the Artio Team that they are working of a J4 compatible version, which shall be ready towards the end of the year. I am really releaved and will wait my sites update until Artio is ready.

Best regards

JoomSEF and Joomla 4
Category: JoomSEF 4
Hi there,

seems still no news from Artio and no good alternative.
I am a paying customer since >10 years and I am very disappointed about the lack of guidance from the Artio team.
A simple reply, if they work on a J4 version or not, would be fine for the moment.
But no reply at all, even through the ticket system, is not appropriate.

Anyone know someone from Artio, who can trigger a response?

Best regards

JoomSEF and Joomla 4
Category: JoomSEF 4
I am not receiving any reply from Artio on this matter, althought I openend a ticket few weeks ago.

It seems there is no intention to release a Joomla 4 compatible JomSEF, which is giving me major headache.

Does anyone here have a good alternative, which is Joomla 4 compatible.

Thanks in advance and have a good day

Best regards

JoomSEF and Joomla 4
Category: JoomSEF 4
Hello Artio Team,

I am a loyal customer of JomSEF for almost 20 years now.
Soon I have to update my site to Joomla 4 and of course want to keep using JomSEF.

Would you kindly let me know, if you are working on a Joomla 4 version and when would be the expected availability.

Thanks in advance and best regards

JoomSEF and Joomla 4
Category: JoomSEF 4
Sorry, found the solution.
The problem was, that my site is German, but the blacklistst words in the Extention setting was just the English ones.

In the meantime I fixed the matter and included the German Stopwords

Best regards

Filtering common wor ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Hi there,

I have been checking the documentation but could not find a solution.
I am using JoomSEF 4.6.6 on a Joomla 3.5.1 plattform.

When checking the Meta keywords, which are created by the JoomSEF plugin, it contains a lot of common words, like "with, and, but, or....." which I do not want to see in the keywords.

Is there any way to filter these words, so that they are not included into the Metatags.

Thanks in advance for any advise.

Best regards

Filtering common wor ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
This issue seems not to be a new one:

I posted a ticket to Artio Support and hope to find a solution.

Best regards

Links wrong in SSL h ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Any idea anyone?

I am stuck and need help.

Thanks in advance and have a good day

Links wrong in SSL h ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Hi there,

I am using Artio JoomSEF since quite some time and I am very happy with it, so thanks for the excellent work.

Since I while I am having an SSL certificate on my site, so it happens that people browse my site with https:// URL.

Under such condition, the some links in certain components like Kunena and Geocode Factory are incorrect:

URL : www.mydomain.de

The correct one should be URL :

When switching off JoomSEF, this problems are gone.

Is there any idea, what could cause this problem and how to fix it.

Thanks in advance for your help and have a great weekend.

Best regards

Links wrong in SSL h ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Perfect. Problem Solved.

Thank you VERY MUCH
Link to individual K ...
Category: Extensions
Hi there,

I am running Kunena 3.0.2 on a Joomla 2.5.14 platform.
Additionally I am using ARTIO JoomSEF 4.4.3 with Kunena extension 3.0.10. SEF for Kunena is enabled.

My problem is, that the Links to individual posts in the forum is not working, when clicking on the forum post number in the upper right corner of each post (#1) .

On my website, this link is converted to something like, which is pointing to the starting page of my site and not to the post. Correctly it should convert the link to but it does not.

I have tried the following steps to identify Artio as a root cause:
- Disabled SEF for Kunena in Artio extension >> Still same effekt
- Uninstalled Artio >> Effect was gone.
- Activated Kunena own SEF function >> Working no problem.

I have reported this issue to the Kunena forum, but they insist, that it is a Artio issue.
Please see

Does anybody here have similar issues and how could you fix it?
I really like Artion and it is an important part of my website.

Any advise will be most welcome.

With best regards

Link to individual K ...
Category: Extensions
Hi Dajo,

actually System - ARTIO JoomSEF is at first position within all my system plugins.

I will see, if I can find any other solution and if not, may come back to your proposal.

Thank you very much for your help sofar.

Best regards

RSS Links not workin ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Hi Dajo,

thanks for your feedback.
Thats what I did.
Please see screenshot as attached.

Also I made sure that there are no duplicates neither for artikel/rss nor for index.php?option=com_content&format=feed&type=rss&view=featured&Itemid=733

Best regards

RSS Links not workin ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Hi Dajo,

thanks for your advise.
I have done what you have suggested but it does not affect the issue. I still have problems to SEF RSS links.

For exampe:
The SEF Link Part of the message is hidden for the guests. Please log in or register to see it. is diverted to Part of the message is hidden for the guests. Please log in or register to see it.

As you can see, when I call the none SEF Link, RSS is working, but with the SEF Link, which should be exactly the same, it does not work.

Beside this issue and for all other link types, JoomSEF is working very fine.

If you have any advise, how to fix this issue would be most helpful.

Best regards
RSS Links not workin ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Hi Dajo,

thanks for your advise.
I have done your recommended steps, however, there was no effect to the problem.

Best regards

RSS Links not workin ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Hi there,

I am using Artio JomSEF 4.2.8 on a Joomla 2.5.6 platform and most things are working OK. Anyway, I do have one issue, which is, that all my RSS links are not working, when SEF is enabled. This applies to all RSS feeds of variuos components (Content, Kunena, JEvents...)

When I activate SEF, then all RSS links will direct to the normal Joomla page and not to the feed. When disableing the SEF function for these links, they work fine.

Any help for this ongoing issue would be highly aprreciated.

Best regards

RSS Links not workin ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
I have fixed the issue in the meantime. I had a wrong Link to Kunena in my menu structure, which created the problems.

Now, that I have corrected this link, everything except the creation of RSS links, is working well with JOMSEF.

Best regards

Kunena 2.0.0
Category: Extensions
Hi Dajo,

Thanks for your advise.
You are right, even when I unpublish the Kunena Menu Module, the Menu is showing up, when I call Forum directly for the Mainmenu link.

However, when I call the Forum from the "Kunena Latest" Module, no Kunena Menu is shown.

Also I have check, if I have duplicate SEF entries regarding the RSS links, but I dont.

I have done the migration with Kunena 1.7.2 and then upgraded to 2.0.1, using the Kunena installer.

Best regards

Kunena 2.0.0
Category: Extensions
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