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Profile for MasterMatrix

  • Time Zone: GMT +3:00
  • Local Time: 19:58
  • Posts: 4
  • Profile Views: 3371
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Hi there,
I bought VM Invoice last week and got an upgrade from V2 to V 3.07.

When a customer takes an order, he becomes the "standard" VM Invoice design via email, although I designed an own invoice template, and I can see this template in my backend.

My last question in this forum was closed:
I can't understand why I have to buy a support-ticket for 38€: My brandnew VM-Invoice for 35€ does not work properly...
Mail-Invoice Templat ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
Thank you for your help.
My only chance was to remove the entry within the database-field "VM_orer-zone".
City "Washington" ap ...
Category: Feature Requests
Hi there,
I bought VM Invoice last week and got an upgrade from V2 to V 3.07.

Since the upgrade to 3.0.7 my invoice template doesn't work any more:
When a customer takes an order, he becomes the "standard" VM Invoice design via email, although I designed an own invoice template, and I can see this template in my backend.

Would you please help me?
Thanks in advance...
Mail-Invoice Templat ...
Category: Feature Requests
Hi there,

I'm a new user of VM Invoice, and the features are great so far...

I have a little problem and didn't find a solution until now, I hope someone can help me:

On the PDF-Invoice, the placeholder [contact] shows the Name, Street and City that I configured in Virtuemart.
But: There is an additional "Washington", and I cannot find the configuration field for this entry, wether in VM nor in VM Invoice.
This happens in the header AND the footer.

Do you have an idea how I can remove this strange entry?

Thank you very much!
City "Washington" ap ...
Category: Feature Requests
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