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Profile for marion

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bad URL links manufa ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Thank you for your advice.
I bought this VirtueMart JoomSEF Extension to have it done the job.
I need to create yourself a good URL and tags?
Why does VirtueMart JoomSEF Extension tags for manufacturers?

Programmers developer has not made a lot of work to bring VirtueMart JoomSEF Extension to perfection.
But programmers do not want to finish his work.
I am very saddened.
bad URL links manufa ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
I did as you taught.
Here's a screenshot.

Then I cleared the cache joomla and joomsef

URL were quite bad. ----> URL very bad

URL should be such -----> good URL
bad URL links manufa ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
thank you for your assistance.
I did exactly as you wrote me.
Here's a screenshot.

Then I cleared the cache joomla and joomsef
But nothing has changed.
Links stayed here ticking. --- bad URL

Tags are not created for manufacturers VirtueMart, since this module does not work efficiently.
I contacted the support, I created a ticket.
I was told that if there are still the same requests, the new version will solve this problem.
Need to do a lot of requests from different clients.
bad URL links manufa ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
stawebnice wrote:
you should be able to update the url in SEF URL management to anything you want if you purchase the Virtuemart extension for JoomSEF. Only JoomSEF itself does not let you change the URLs within Virtuemart.

You can buy it here: for 10 EUR.

I bought JoomSEF (€ 26.90) + VirtueMart JoomSEF 4 Extension (€ 10.00) = € 36.90
VirtueMart JoomSEF 4 Ekstension works badly and poorly.
In new joomla + VirtueMart templates not URL --->

1) there is only URL --->
when processing VirtueMart JoomSEF 4 Extension produces link
I asked to remove words ---> list-all-products from URL
I asked the support to resolve this issue. But I did not have any support.

2) VirtueMart JoomSEF 4 Ekstension does not generate Meta Tags for manufacturers VirtueMart
I asked Support why there is not meta tags for manufacturers VirtueMart
In support told me that their VirtueMart JoomSEF 4 Extension does not Meta Tags for manufacturers VirtueMart.

The Conclusion. the VirtueMart JoomSEF 4 Ekstension does not work completely and very bad.
Support does not want to solve the problem for its customers.
bad URL links manufa ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
I want to make a request for addition.
do update that could add additional comments with a good component JLex Review
JLex Review does not ...
Category: Extension Requests
I would have assumed it would be using JoomSEF meta tags when no Original can be found. Instead it is using the Global Metadata settings in Joomla config for all pages which have not had meta details manually entered and NOT the JoomSEF created titles.

I support, is a very useful setting.

I have the same question to the developers.
Why are not the VirtueMart manufacturers Meta Description and Meta Key?
I really need.
see screenshot here
Meta Decription and ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
JoomSEF 4.6.2 + VirtueMart extension 3.1.4
Joomla Version: 2.5.28 + VirtueMart 2.6.12

Good day.
I really need to keep the structure URL
Help solve this problem.
I need to remove a URL Virtuemart manufacturer words -------> list-all-products
example --- bad URL ----- good URL

Or tell me what code PHP and where I need to add?
create update your add-ons VIRTUEMART JOOMSEF 4
I really need to work on.
bad URL links manufa ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
JoomSEF 4.6.2 + VirtueMart extension 3.1.4
Joomla Version: 2.5.28

Good day.
I really need to keep the structure
I need to remove a URL manufacturer words -------> list-all-products
example --- bad URL ----- good URL

Tell me please, what PHP code must be added to fail com_virtuemart.php in case 'manufacturer'?
Or tell me what code PHP and where I need to add?
I really need to work on.
bad URL links manufa ...
Category: Extension Requests
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