Anyone have any insight on this problem? Or any idea how it might be solved?
Bug? Enabling JoomS ...
Posted 9 years, 11 months ago
by maestroc
I tracked a problem I have been having down to the JoomSEF plugin on my system. With the plugin enabled in the extension manager when a back end user hits "SAVE" on an article you get a white screen and the article saves but remains locked. If I disable the JoomSEF plugin then the SAVE button works fine and I am returned to the article to continue editing.
However, even with the JoomSEF plugin turned on the SAVE AND CLOSE button works fine and does not lock the article. The white screen and locked article problem only happens when JoomSEF's plugin is enabled. I am not talking about the enable switch in the JoomSEF control panel I am referring to the one in the main Joomla extension manager.
I also moved the JoomSEF plugin around in the execution order to check and it still white screens no matter where JoomSEF's plugin is ordered at.
Any idea what is going on here? I am running Joomla 3.4.1 and JoomSEF 4.6.2
Bug? Enabling JoomS ...
Posted 9 years, 11 months ago
by maestroc
Anyone have any idea how to fix this or what I might have set incorrectly?
Wrong category name ...
Posted 10 years ago
by maestroc
I noticed that my URLs are having the wrong root category placed before the file path in the URL. For example if I add a new article to the Blogs>Tales From The Podium category anything I put into that category gets SEFed in this format instead:
or sometimes as this:
The "educational travel" category isn't even closely related to the blog one. Item ID for the travel category is 25 while the Tales from the Podium category is 63. The home thing in that second URL appears to just be the name of the home page. Not sure what is going on here. What am I missing that is making JoomSEF insert this extra, incorrect category name before the file path?
Wrong category name ...
Posted 10 years ago
by maestroc
The name of the category the articles are in is being listed twice in each URL in this pattern:
It is a site running Joomla 3 so I know there are not sections any more, but the format there is correct. Category is a subcat of section in my example. A real world URL would be one like this:
How do I get that extra category out of the URL's? Am I missing something in the settings?
Category name being ...
Posted 10 years, 2 months ago
by maestroc
I have a J1.5 site that is being migrated to 2.5. However, due to the changes in the way J2.5 handles SEF URL's the existing URL's are not being copied over, the aliases have to change and I don't want that. I need the old URLs to remain valid after the migration.
I tried installing JoomSEF on the 1.5 site, having it crawl the site, then exporting the URLs and importing them into the 2.5 JoomSEF but after doing that the URLs still don't match. They are closer than with the migrated aliases that were created, but they still do not match the URLs from the old site.
Did I miss a step somewhere in this process or am I just out of luck in regard to keeping the old URLs live?
The two sites in question here are listed below in case anyone wants to see what I am talking about:
Using JoomSEF to mig ...
Posted 10 years, 5 months ago
by maestroc
I migrate sites for people from time to time from J1.5 to 2.5 or 3. In the past I have occasionally installed JoomSEF on the old 1.5 site, crawled, then imported the URLS into the new J3.0 site. This was in order to avoid having to go through and fix dozens of links that the former owner had hardcoded with the SEF urls rather than using the default Joomla URLS.
This time when I am trying to use this trick though it isn't working and I am wondering if anyone might know what I am missing in the process...
The old site is here: www.straightarrowhosting.net/~sawstemp/lincoln15/
Please note it loads incredibly slowly which is one of the reasons I am moving it to 3.0. Be prepared to wait a long time for the old pages to load. The problem is in the template but we aren't trying to fix it since we are migrating...
The new J3.2 site is here: www.straightarrowhosting.net/~sawstemp/lincoln3
If you look at the old site URLS you'll see that most of them are nicely written with things like /portfolio/domestic and /leasing/space-availabilities while on the new site they aren't doing it at all and most of the links are broken. This is happening AFTER I copied over all the SEF URLS from the old JoomSEF install to the new.
I'm sure I am just missing something but anyone know what it is?
Using JoomSEF to fix ...
Posted 11 years ago
by maestroc
Figured it out. Somehow all the links in that article had one of the slashes removed from the http:// so JoomSEF was adding the domain name thinking it was an internal link.
Site domain being ad ...
Posted 12 years ago
by maestroc
I am having a problem where the domain name is being added to external URLS. For example:
I have done what other suggested in other posts on here and on the Joomla forums but it is still doing it. I have done the following:
Removed the site URL from the livesite variable in the configuration.php file
Disabled the JCE editor (to make sure it wasn't adding things during the save process)
In the advanced joomsef config I have Filter variable values set to Yes and the filter is set to apply to , https, etc.
Despite these things the site URL is still being added to all external links anywhere on the site. What else might be causing this problem?
I am running a J3.0.3 install with no components other than JCE editor, Akeeba Backup, and JoomSEF.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Site domain being ad ...
Posted 12 years ago
by maestroc
I am having the problem that others have had with anchor links (within the same document) not working. I have gone through the forums and read dozens of posts with various suggestions on what to do to get this working but so far none have worked. Many of the posts on the topic are obviously outdated or relate to previous versions of Joomsef.
Is there a current, up to date, step by step troubleshooter that could help me figure out how to get anchors within the same article working on my site? The page I need the links to work on is:
I put in one link, in the first bullet point, to demonstrate what the problem is. Any help would be appreciated.
Anchor links in arti ...
Posted 12 years, 2 months ago
by maestroc
I have Joomsef to automatically add the www to urls. However, it is also adding www when I try to access the site via the ip address. will become www. as an example. Is there a way to stop it from entering the www in front of an ip address?
system adding www to ...
Posted 12 years, 6 months ago
by maestroc
The new test site is running on an old unused domain. I thought that this might be causing a registration issue so I reinstalled Joomsef using the free version but the problem continues.
I also noticed that in the back end Joomsef Configuration pages the Save and Close and Save buttons do not work any more.
Troubleshooting afte ...
Posted 12 years, 6 months ago
by maestroc
I am in the process of moving my site to a new VPS server. The site loads properly for the most part but certain modules and pages have obvious URL redirection errors. In DocMan for example with SEF turned on (but using the components router) clicking a link to download a document sends you back to the detail page for that document. You can see this happening by going to this URL and clicking any of the sheet music links at the bottom. Accept the license and instead of downloading the file it loops back to the category list page.
If I turn SEF off the links work fine. I have cleared JoomSEF's cache and also purged SEF URL's but the same thing continues to happen any time I turn SEF back on. The problem also occurs no matter which router I use for the Docman component. The only way that the links work correctly is if I completely turn off SEF URLS in the global config.
Any ideas what I need to do?
Troubleshooting afte ...
Posted 12 years, 6 months ago
by maestroc
Two words will explain why it probably is not working from the backend...
Go Daddy
Thank you for the help on this!
Show Duplicities res ...
Posted 12 years, 8 months ago
by maestroc
I ran it as you requested. This is what got returned.
(808 total, Query took 26.0599 sec)
I assume I can go in there and drop rows the same way I would do it from inside the back end of the site?
One other thing, since I am not fluent in SQL, is there a way to take that same result and only show the sefurl, origurl, and hit count columns? Otherwise it shows all the columns and truncates the full sefurls and origurls.
Show Duplicities res ...
Posted 12 years, 8 months ago
by maestroc
Some more information, I think I can do this process from phpmyadmin with no problems. In fact it comes up almost instantly if I use the query-
SELECT sefurl, COUNT(*) FROM jos_sefurls
Group BY sefurl HAVING COUNT(*) > 1
Is this the same query that is being used to find duplicates in JoomSEF?
I am not an SQL guru, and patched this together from posts on other sites. Please tell me if it is wrong or if there is some way to use this to accomplish what I cannot accomplish through the JoomSEF control panel.
Show Duplicities res ...
Posted 12 years, 8 months ago
by maestroc
Okay, I have gone into my php.ini files and set memory limits to 512MB and the max execution time to 240. I confirmed that the settings have taken effect by looking at phpinfo.
Sadly, even with these higher limits it still gives me a 500 error when trying to find duplicities. I believe that these settings are at the top limit of what my host will allow.
I hoped that if I tried to limit the scope of my search it might work. I set it to only look at Articles and at only those that have more than 1000 hits. That search came up fine, but when I then add the Find Duplicities to it it times out again.
Any more ideas? Is there a way to cut down on the amount of URLS that it will sort through?
Show Duplicities res ...
Posted 12 years, 8 months ago
by maestroc
I am having a big and growing problem with the size of my database. jos_sefurls is already 7mb and I see another table in there called jos_redirect_links that is another 2mb. I am guessing that the size of the sefurls is due to a lot of duplicate urls that I have already written about in another post but what does the jos_redirect_links do? Can it be trimmed in some way?
URL database is huge ...
Posted 12 years, 9 months ago
by maestroc
When I try to have Artio show all the duplicate URLS it thinks for a long time then gives me a 500 server error. The URL database is very large, and many of them have been locked over the years to prevent broken links as I have switched out various components. I know that a large number of the URLS are duplicates and want to get rid of them but can't seem to do it.
On the same topic, when and if I finally do get the system to show me the duplicates how do I know which one(s) to keep?
Show Duplicities res ...
Posted 12 years, 9 months ago
by maestroc
I am moving a 1.5 site over to a fresh 2.5 install. I have my content moved over and JoomSEF is correctly creating the URLs to match the old site. The problem I am having is with the Docman component. I have installed the docman extension in JoomSEF but it is doing some strange things. I finally fixed a loopback problem I was having by deleting all the old docman menus that were copied over from the old site. The thing is that now I need to reset things so the new URLS will point to the same documents as the old ones.
Here is an example. If you go to the root of my docman install on the new site you get this URL:
but if you go to the old site you get:
In fact, now that I have done some more digging I see that on the new site clicking on a specific docman category is taking me to a completely incorrect docman category. If I ask for the folk music category it instead takes me to a listing of the scale category... I have no clue what is going on here.
I was hoping I would just need to change a setting in the docman joomsef extension but the extension controls are totally different between the old version on my 1.5 site and the new one.
Is there an easy fix to this problem? Did I mess up by deleting the old non-working docman menu items? If I didn't have 5+ years of inbound links built up on some of these files I wouldn't be so worried about it.
My sincere thanks for any insight into this.
Docman URL problems ...
Posted 13 years ago
by maestroc
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