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Profile for Kostasv

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 05:52
  • Posts: 16
  • Profile Views: 3992
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with comma does not works. With dot, the number is rounded.
How to convert price ...
Category: Customer Support
yes, we enter a float value and after save or apply button value is integer yet.
How to convert price ...
Category: Customer Support
We have already done this change, but nothing had happened. Please advise.
How to convert price ...
Category: Customer Support
Is there any way to enter float prices? As I can see all the prices I have entered are saved as integers?
How to convert price ...
Category: Customer Support
Oh thank you! It was so simple! Now it works fine. Let me explain another problem with this component please.
My initial installation was in a subdomain and not in the domain I had declare when I bought this component. This installation is at I thought that it was the same as the main domain and I could do all the updates. So I have proceeded to customize my installation and the UI but I am not able to install there the updated version which solves the matter for check in and check out dates in different periods. Is is possible to change my declaration from to in order to update the component accordingly? In this way I will loos my customization?
checkin and checkout ...
Category: Customer Support
You released a new version for this issue and I upgraded my installation but the issue didn’t solved. Please be so kind to check it at and advise accordingly.
checkin and checkout ...
Category: Customer Support
I am getting the same error until now, 8 hours after my previous post. Please advise...
checkin and checkout ...
Category: Customer Support
I tried to update online in 1.2.5. version but I cannot. The message I got is "It was not possible to check your registration information. The upgrade server may be temporarily down. Please, try again later."
However, I would like to know if I proceed to update, I loose the changes I have already made, as design customization and new fields which has been added?

Thanks in advance.
checkin and checkout ...
Category: Customer Support
any news yet?
checkin and checkout ...
Category: Customer Support
Dear jtrumpes,

without this bug correction, your component is useless. So please advise what we can do. If you cannot correct this bug ASAP, I need my money back!
checkin and checkout ...
Category: Customer Support
Hello community,

I have already installed paid version in a sub domain. I have set also 2 price periods for an object. 1 period for May 2011 and the other for June 2011.
The problem is that when I select check in date in May I cannot select check out date in June (different price periods). I can see the difference in my calendar, through colors. But why this happens?
checkin and checkout ...
Category: Customer Support

I have bought the paid version, for car rentals. When I am entering prices per car I have 2 problems.
- In the back end, I cannot add second price period per car

- In the front end, I cannot see availability (in the calendar) after the second car.

[CLOSED] Availabilit ...
Category: Customer Support

I am testing the free edition, but as I can see there is no place to enter the service locations, where my customer can collect or drop off the car. Has anybody any idea where can I set this parameter? Additionally, there is no option about time of collection also. Are there these 2 options in other paid versions?

[CLOSED] Locations - ...
Category: Customer Support
Please note, that the same error happens when I am selecting Object Details ....
Error when trying to ...
Category: Community Support
Hallo community,

when I am trying to enable Booking Component in main menu, I am following the steps:
Create new menu item and then I go to type selection. In type selection I found under Artio Booking menu, the Objects -> objects list. When I click on it I got the following error:

Fatal error: Class 'AModel' not found in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 115

Does anybody know, if I am following the right steps first, and if yes, how could I fix this matter?

Error when trying to ...
Category: Community Support
hello friend. is it possible to help me generally for this component. I am searching desperately help!
[SOLVED] Sent mails ...
Category: Customer Support
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