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Profile for jillianheinrich

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 23:23
  • Posts: 7
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I purchased a JoomSEF license a few years ago for a client's site and it was all working beautifully. Sometime ago (can't remember when) the backlink started appearing on the site again.

Did not have time until now to follow up as we are doing upgrades. The Download ID no longer appears to be valid and we are not able to upgrade from the component. The version on the site is 3.7.2.

I tried entering the Download ID on your site to try and download again, but all that was downloaded was the instruction manual.

Could you please provide some guidance on how to resolve this? I could forward the Download ID to you if you can provide a contact email.
Download ID no longe ...
Category: JoomSEF
I have since found a couple of similar issues in other components and raised a support call with the web host to investigate. I'll let you know what happens.
Save and Cancel butt ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I urgently need to fix this issue.

Can you please reply?
Save and Cancel butt ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
JS is enabled and I am not having any issues with any other components when using Save or Cancel buttons.

The only problem is when editing URLs in JoomSEF. If I hit either the Save or Cancel button, it is throwing me back to the following address and displaying a 404 error.

I am using Joomla 1.5.10 and have installed the paid version of JoomSEF v3.3.2 as well as the VirtueMart Extension

Is there any other info I can provide you?
Save and Cancel butt ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
My client's ISP ended up moving us to a new server with correct version of Apache which seems to have solved this problem. Now ironing out a few small issues.
URL wants index.php ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
After having many issues with my client's ISP, they finally moved to a new server today and now the SEF URLs appear to generally be working - still testing but very pleased with the rewrites so far.

However, my current issue is in the Admin for JoomSEF. When going in to Edit URLs, I cannot save changes or cancel out of the window as the Save and Cancel buttons are both pointing to sitename/administrator/index.php#

Could you please assist? I really need to finish off loading up SEO data for the site and want to use functionality for Title, meta keywords and meta description in JoomSEF.
Save and Cancel butt ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I have installed the free version of JoomSEF and the paid extension for VirtueMart.

The URLs it generates look great but none are working.

They seem to work if I add index.php into them.


If I change (URL created by JoomSEF)


the page is correctly displayed.

Any ideas what the issue may be here?

Appreciate any assistance anyone can provide.
URL wants index.php ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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