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Profile for inlinewout

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I downloaded the newest version...

I turned off JoomSEF and switched to ACEsef, everything now works like a charm... Sorry to say it, but the product of the competition is way easier and better.
Errors and non-sef u ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Order 10913
Joomla: 1.5.18
Server: Linux
PHP: 5.2.13

After instaling JoomSef and the k2 sef extension the following happened:
  • Links to article pages are still sef, but do show modules which are not published on that page
  • Links to K2 catagogries and items now suddenly create non-sef urls

Also in the backend Joomsef states that it's configuration file is unwritable, but there is no config file in com_sef at all. Where else can it be located?

It seems that joomsef turns off sef friendly url instead of creating them.
I was using SEFpatch which was running ok, but I deleted it and replaced it with joomsef because many people recommended it.

Does anybody have an idea why joomsef causes errors and why it does the opposite of creating sef url's?
Errors and non-sef u ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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