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Hi, I've just purchased Artio JoomSEF again after it had expired about a year ago and now i am having issues re-installing it (download f6f474a213fe1bb07b098f6e2be341dd).
Install problem
Category: JoomSEF 4
Thank you - that has now worked.
New primary domain f ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
There is no error I just don't have full paid version on the backend and on front end, it has the "Joomla SEF URLs by Artio".

Just to recap:
Old site: was on paid version 3 - valid till October 2014 (Joomla 1.5)
New site: is on Joomla 2.5 (did a fresh install as had previous errors on old site that I wanted to get rid of so manually added all the pages on a NEW server!).
These are duplicate sites (so both hosted now on same NEW server). The old server is no longer hosting the domain.

I bought the upgrade package (37079) and then realised I had changed the primary domain so bought the Product Registration Change now (37105).

NEW server Artio is using version 4.5.2
When I upgrade, it says "The Download ID set in configuration is not valid. You will obtain the non-paid version of JoomSEF when launching upgrade from ARTIO Server."
New primary domain f ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Hi, I have purchased Product Registration Change now (Order Number: 37105) but still not working.

Please advise.
New primary domain f ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
As I said "When I go to purchase the product license to a different site (URL), it doesn't ask for the new domain name but rather the 'new testing url' - can I put there or is there another way to do it?"
New primary domain f ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Hi, I have just created a new website (actually duplicated content from my old site -, which was Joomla 1.5) on using Joomla 2.5.

The reason I manually copied to content to a different server is that I have had some issues on my old server so had to use a new domain name.

I installed free version of JoomSEF 4 on the new domain while still keeping the old ( site running with the paid version of JoomSEF 3.

Now my primary domain is and I want to upgrade to paid version which I did yesterday (Order No. 37079) but only then realised there was a problem cause the domain name is different. When I go to purchase the product license to a different site (URL), it doesn't ask for the new domain name but rather the 'new testing url' - can I put there or is there another way to do it? The domain is a duplicate of the .com site and they are now on the same server.

Many thanks.
New primary domain f ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Hi Dajo,
Please can you remove the links above (1 no longer exists) - #18599.
Many thanks.
/blog wont go away e ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Thank you so much - I have a feeling this is going to work (tried everything else so it has to!).

I'll let you know so others who may have same issue can see.
Accept only filtered ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Still not working.

I'm wondering if I shouldn't uninstall and re-install JoomSEF as there was a problem when we first installed with mod rewrite not working properly and there have been a number of issues (they seem to regenerate themselves all the time - almost like they are cached or saved in the backend but I can't find them).

If I do that, would I uninstall from Joomla and remove all bak files from the control panel and then do a re-install with my download ID?

Is there anything you would advise I should do (besides backup) before I do this?

Thank you.
Accept only filtered ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Not sure what you have tested - if you click on the menu (say Safaris, Tours & Specials), the url is not sefed - index.php?Itemid=36&option=com_content&view=section&id=7.

In the content extension, I have added the following:

I have under advanced configuration:
Filter variable values: Yes
Filter these words: http:// http// https:// https// www. @
Variables to exclude from filtering: blank
Filter system variables: Yes
Accept only filtered ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I am using:
Joomla 1.5.21
Joomsef 3.9.5 (3e83f1fc0c4138febaa91847500a67d4)
Xmap 1.2.14

I have changed content component to accept only filtered variables and don't sef url (under the content extension) and now none of my urls are sefed (except site-map & site-search).

All links from menu and content look like this: index.php?Itemid=100535&option=com_content&view=category&id=22 - why is this and how can I change this so all urls are sefed (surely menu and content should automatically be sefed)?

Please help!
Accept only filtered ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Using Joomla 1.5.22 & JoomSef 3.8.1

What are the metacustoms that appear on the phpMyAdmin under SEFurls? I've got a:0:{} under this column for some and not for others - does this mean anything?

I've got a feeling it has something to do with the com_content variables - I think I read somewhere that an upgrade to Artio (can't remember to which version), would automatically have normal variables added but not sure. My com_content doesn't have any variables listed under it (from joomla backend I mean) so could be hiding somewhere. I know I used to have the following:

Is it still necessary to insert them or not?

Content extension & ...
Category: JoomSEF
Interesting, I just deleted all the layout url's today as they all had / at the end and I thought that may be an issue!
I can't find the source of the incorrect urls - some examples of these are plus / and the below:
index.php/Swaziland-Suggested-Itineraries/kenya - if you load this, the site loads (eventually) but layout is incorrect and all the links are on that page are dodgy so the pages keep generating.
Your help would be greatly appreciated.
URL question
Category: JoomSEF 3
I am still getting lots of errors including url's with old content and so was browsing your troubleshooting sections when I can across a link to update the db under the question 'After upgrading JoomSEF, the duplicate URLs have appeared, why is that?' I was hoping maybe if I updated the db, it could get rid of those old links.

But the link (JoomSEF DB upgrade script 1.5.0) doesn't work - do you have an updated link?

Many thanks.
JoomSEF DB upgrade s ...
Category: JoomSEF
Hi, I have got loads of duplicate urls - the most common non-sef variation is for example:

Would it be okay to delete one and which one should I keep?

URL question
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi, I am using Joomla 1.5.21.

Please can you advise the best handler for extensions that are not supported in JoomSef?

I have the following:
COM_AKEEBA - - Not using SEF
DJinstaller - - JoomSEF default handler
eXtplorer - - JoomSEF default handler
HTML MAP - - JoomSEF default handler
JCE - - JoomSEF default handler
Joomap - - JoomSEF basic rewriting
Mad4Joomla - - JoomSEF default handler
mtwMigrator - - JoomSEF default handler
Ninja RSS Syndicator - - JoomSEF default handler
Polls - - JoomSEF basic rewriting
swMenuFree - - Not using SEF
swMenuMaker - - Not using SEF
User Manager - - Not using SEF
Xmap - - JoomSEF default handler

I am getting lots of errors (eg. index.php/African-Attractions/African-Attractions/angola/lubango) and I am thinking maybe this has something to do with it?

Extension parameters
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi, I am getting lots of crawl errors on webmaster, mainly index.php... - how do you remove index.php from urls?

Also, just discovered this on my htaccess which i hadn't seen before - would this cause any problems?

"## Deny access to extension xml files (uncomment out to activate)
#<Files ~ "\.xml$">
#Order allow,deny
#Deny from all
#Satisfy all
## End of deny access to extension xml files"

Using 1.5.21

Many thanks.
htaccess file & inde ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Somehow under manage SEF urls, I have hardly any itemids on the urls. This was either caused by migration to new server or a incorrect JoomSEF paid installation. If I uninstall it and re-install, would the itemids then be present or would they still be kept in the database?

Or is there a way to export SEF urls from old site to new site?

Also, I am using hybrid transmenu swMenuFree so think itemids may be having a problem as there is no 'items' in the menu only sections and categories but this may be something I have to address with them.

Test site (JoomSEF free):

Using Joomla 1.5.21
How to Re-install Jo ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Thanks so much for the reply - that seems to be solving the issues. Really appreciate that.
/blog wont go away e ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I've got the same problem - have just upgraded to Joomla 1.5.21 and JoomSEF 3.7.5. I use swMenuFree/Maker to specify layout of content.

Since upgrading to paid version of JoomSEF and Joomla, have lost the layout for sections - everything is in blog and not showing section description (eg [removed]) and categories are showing 'filter' & 'display' (eg [removed]).

Further to this, the breadcrumbs have stopped working and the specified order is not working which makes it so difficult for people to find the right content.

Please help.
/blog wont go away e ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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